
JMdict 100319
Word 陰嚢
Reading いんのう ; ふぐり
Translation eng scrotum ; testicles ; scrotal Translation ger {Anat .} Hodensack ; Skrotum Translation rus мошо́нка

JMdict 200217
Word 陰嚢 ; 陰囊
Reading いんのう ; ふぐり
Translation dut balzak {anat .} ; scrotum ; cremasterzak ; klootzak {veroud .} Translation hun herezacskó Translation spa escroto ; testículos
Translation eng scrotum ; testicles ; scrotal ; pinecone ; pine cone Translation ger Hodensack ; Skrotum ; Kiefernzapfen ; Zapfen ; Hodensack ; Skrotum Translation rus ( анат .) мошонка

JMdict 100319
Word 陰嚢無し
Reading ふぐりなし
Translation eng cowardly man ( lit : man with no balls )

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