Unicode 5.2
Character Definition adequately capable of , worthy of
Pinyin KAN1 Jyutping ham1 On KAN TAN Kun TAERU Hangul Korean KAM Tang *kom Viet kham
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jealous , envious ; fear
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gei6 On KI Kun IMU Hangul Korean KI Tang ghiə̀ Viet kị
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition result , effect ; effectiveness
Pinyin XIAO4 Jyutping haau6 On KOU Kun KIKU Hangul Korean HYO Tang hàu Viet hiệu
Variant U+52B9
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bright , luminous ; clear ; hoary
Pinyin HAO4 HUI1 Jyutping gou2 hou6 On KOU Kun HIKARU SHIROI Hangul Korean HO Tang hɑ̌u
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feudal state of Qin ; the Qin dynasty ( from which the name 'China' comes )
Pinyin QIN2 Jyutping ceon4 On SHIN JIN Hangul Korean CIN Tang *dzhin
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smile , laugh at , sneer at ; ( Cant .) a final particle indicating doing something to the full extent possible
Pinyin SHEN3 Jyutping can2 saai3 On SHIN Kun WARAU Hangul Korean SIN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to restrain ; to dam a stream and change its direction ; a mound
Pinyin YIN1 Jyutping jan1 On SHYOU JU TOU ZU Kun HUSAGU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cliff , precipice ; precipitous
Pinyin YA2 YAI2 Jyutping ngaai4 On GAI Kun GAKE Hangul Korean AY UY Tang *ngɛi Viet day
Hong Kong proper shape 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition then , thereupon , only then
Variant U+4E43
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vexed
Pinyin XI1 Jyutping sai1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition perch ; roost ; stay
Pinyin QI1 XI1 Jyutping cai1 On SEI Kun SUMU Hangul Korean SE Tang *sei Viet thê
Traditional U+68F2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition selenium
Pinyin XI1 Jyutping sai1 On SEI
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to mash rice
Pinyin XI1 QI1 Jyutping sai1 On SEI SAI Kun KOGOME
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin QIAN4 QIAN1 XI1 Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul Korean CHEN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character 西 Definition west ( ern ); westward , occident
Pinyin XI1 Jyutping sai1 On SEI SAI Kun NISHI Hangul Korean SE Tang *sei Viet tây
Variant U+8980
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition step on , tread on ; search for
Pinyin CAI3 Jyutping coi2 On SAI Kun OU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition then , thereupon , only then
Pinyin NAI3 Jyutping naai5 On DAI NAI Kun SUNAWACHI NO Hangul Korean NAY
Variant U+4E43
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition resist
Pinyin FENG2 PANG2 Jyutping fung1 On HOU HU BA Kun SAKARAU HIKU AU ATSUI Hangul Korean PONG
PRC Telegraph Code 1112 Taiwan Telegraph 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kan1 Reading On カン ; タン Reading Kun た. える ; たま .る ; こ. らえる ; こた . える Reading Korean gam Reading Korean
Meaning withstand ; endure ; support ; resist Meaning fr résistance ; endurer ; supporter ; résister Meaning es resistir ; aguantar ; soportar ; tolerar Meaning pt Opor-se ; suportar ; apoiar ; resistir
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huan3 Reading On カン Reading Kun ゆる .い ; ゆる . やか ; ゆる .む ; ゆる . める Nanori ひろ Reading Korean wan Reading Korean
Meaning slacken ; loosen ; relax ; lessen ; be moderate ; ease Meaning fr relâcher ; abaisser ; décompresser ; lâche ( noeud ) ; modéré ; aise Meaning es fácil ; despacio ; disminución ; mitigado ; aliviado ; aflojar ( se ) ; relajar ( se ) ; disminuir ; indulgente Meaning pt afrouxar ; relaxar ; diminuir ; moderar ; facilitar
Dictionary dr_henshall 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhen1 Reading On チン Reading Kun きぬた Reading Korean chim Reading Korean
Meaning fulling block
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ou3 Reading On グウ Reading Kun たま Reading Korean u Reading Korean
Meaning accidentally ; even number ; couple ; man & wife ; same kind Meaning fr par hasard ; nombre pair ; couple ; homme et femme ; même espèce Meaning es número par ; accidental ; casual ; pareja Meaning pt acidentalmente ; número par ; par ; casal ; mesma espécie
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin quan2 Reading On ケン ; ゴン Reading Kun おもり ; かり ; はか .る Reading Korean gweon Reading Korean
Meaning authority ; power ; rights Meaning fr pouvoir ; autorité ; droits Meaning es derechos ; autoridad ; poder ; establecer temporalmente Meaning pt autoridade ; força ; direitos
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cha2 Reading On サツ Reading Korean chal Reading Korean
Meaning guess ; presume ; surmise ; judge ; understand Meaning fr deviner ; présumer ; supposer ; juger ; comprendre Meaning es adivinar ; suponer ; percibir Meaning pt convidado ; presumir ; conjecturar ; juiz ; compreender
Dictionary dr_maniette 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zan4 ; zhan4 Reading On ザン Reading Kun しばら .く Reading Korean jam Reading Korean
Meaning temporarily ; a while ; moment ; long time Meaning fr un certain temps ; temporaire ; un moment ; depuis longtemps Meaning es por poco tiempo ; un rato ; un momento Meaning pt temporariamente ; por enquanto ; momento ; tempo longo
Miscellaneous Frequency 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhou2 ; zhou4 ; zhu2 Reading On ジク Reading Korean chug Reading Korean
Meaning axis ; pivot ; stem ; stalk ; counter for book scrolls Meaning fr axe ; pivot ; tige ; compteur de livres en rouleaux Meaning es eje ; pivote ; péndulo ; mango Meaning pt eixo ; pivô ; talo ; caule ; sufixo para contagem de pergaminhos
Dictionary dr_heisig 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cang1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun くら Reading Korean chang Reading Korean
Meaning godown ; warehouse ; storehouse ; cellar ; treasury Meaning fr cellier ; entrepôt ; dépôt ; magasin ; trésor Meaning es almacén ; bodega ; granero Meaning pt depósito ; armazém ; porão ; tesouraria
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nai4 Reading On タイ Reading Kun た. える Nanori たえ Reading Korean nae Reading Korean
Meaning -proof ; enduring Meaning fr à l'épreuve de ; résistant ; endurant ; durable Meaning es soportar ; aguantar Meaning pt A prova de ; duradouro
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ting2 Reading On テイ Reading Kun にわ Nanori Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning courtyard ; garden ; yard Meaning fr jardin ; cour Meaning es patio ; jardín Meaning pt jardim ; quintal
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dun1 ; dui4 Reading On トン ; タイ ; ダン ; チョウ Reading Kun あつ .い Nanori あつ ; あつし ; つる ; のぶ ; のり Reading Korean don ; toe Reading Korean ;
Meaning industry ; kindliness Meaning es bondad ; benevolencia
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bo2 Reading On ハク ; バク Nanori ぐれ ; と ; はか ; ひろ Reading Korean bag Reading Korean
Meaning Dr . ; command ; esteem ; win acclaim ; Ph .D. ; exposition ; fair Meaning fr docteur ; ovation ; estimé ; exposition ; foire ; gain Meaning es amplio ; abundante Meaning pt Dr . ; comando ; estima ; vencedor por aclamação ; Ph .D. ; exposição ; feira
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bao1 Reading On ホウ Reading Kun つつ .む ; くる .む Nanori お ; かね Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning wrap ; pack up ; cover ; conceal Meaning fr emballer ; envelopper ; recouvrir ; cacher Meaning es envolver ; empaquetar ; cubrir Meaning pt movimentar ; embrulhar ; capa ; esconde
Dictionary dr_gakken 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin long3 Reading On ロウ ; リョウ Reading Kun おか ; うね ; つか Reading Korean rong Reading Korean
Meaning mound ; grave ; rice field dike
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zang4 Reading On ゾウ Reading Kun はらわた Reading Korean jang Reading Korean
Meaning viscera ; bowels
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 1112

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dan4 Reading On タン ; セン ; タツ ; タチ Reading Kun はや .い ; あつ .い ; あき . らか ; ゆ. るぐ Reading Korean tan
Meaning sincere
Dictionary dr_moro 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition adequately capable of , worthy of
Pinyin kān Jyutping ham1 On KAN TAN Kun TAERU Hangul : 0N Korean KAM Tang *kom Viet kham
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition result , effect ; effectiveness
Pinyin xiào Jyutping haau6 On KOU Kun KIKU Hangul : 0E Korean HYO Tang hàu Viet hiệu
Variant U+52B9
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smile , laugh at , sneer at ; ( Cant .) a final particle indicating doing something to the full extent possible
Pinyin shěn Jyutping can2 saai3 On SHIN Kun WARAU Hangul : 1N Korean SIN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to restrain ; to dam a stream and change its direction ; a mound
Pinyin yīn Jyutping jan1 On SHYOU JU TOU ZU Kun HUSAGU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cliff , precipice ; precipitous
Pinyin Jyutping ngaai4 On GAI Kun GAKE Hangul : 0N Korean AY UY Tang *ngɛi Viet day
Hong Kong proper shape 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition then , thereupon , only then
Pinyin nǎi Jyutping laai5 naai5 On DAI NAI Kun SUNAWACHI NO Korean NAY
Variant U+4E43
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vexed
Pinyin Jyutping sai1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition perch ; roost ; stay
Pinyin Jyutping cai1 On SEI Kun SUMU Hangul : 0N Korean SE Tang *sei Viet thê
Traditional U+68F2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition selenium
Pinyin Jyutping sai1 On SEI
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to mash rice
Pinyin Jyutping sai1 On SEI SAI Kun KOGOME
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin qiàn Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul : 1N Korean CHEN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character 西 Definition west ( ern ); westward , occident
Pinyin Jyutping sai1 On SEI SAI Kun NISHI Hangul : 0E Korean SE Tang *sei Viet tây
Variant U+8980
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition step on , tread on ; search for
Pinyin cǎi Jyutping coi2 On SAI Kun OU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition then , thereupon , only then
Pinyin nǎi Jyutping naai5 On DAI NAI Kun SUNAWACHI NO Hangul : 1N Korean NAY
Variant U+4E43
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1112

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition resist
Pinyin féng Jyutping fung1 On HOU FU BA Kun SAKARAU HIKU AU ATSUI Hangul : 1N Korean PONG
PRC Telegraph Code 1112 Taiwan Telegraph 1112

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