Unicode 5.2
Character Definition even level . to raise in both hands
Pinyin QIAN1 Jyutping gin1 hin1 On KEN Kun TAIRAKA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition allow , permit ; promise ; betroth
Pinyin XU3 HU3 Jyutping heoi2 On KYO KO Kun YURUSU BAKARI MOTO Hangul Korean HE HO Tang *xiǔ Viet hứa
Simplified U+8BB8
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition suburbs ; waste land , open spaces
Pinyin JIAO1 Jyutping gaau1 On KOU Kun MATSURU INAKA Hangul Korean KYO Tang *gau
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition humiliate ; treat with contempt
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition join forces , unite
Pinyin LU4 On RIKU Kun AWASERU Hangul Korean LYUK
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition final exclamatory particle
Pinyin XIAO1 JIAO1 Jyutping haau1 On HAU HEU RAUROU BIU MIU Hangul Korean KYO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hanker
Pinyin LAO4 Jyutping lou6 On RAU ROU Kun KOHISHITAHU NAYAMU Tang lɑ̀u
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition few , scarce ; empty , deserted
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun SABISHII Hangul Korean LYO Tang *leu
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; name of an ancient state
Pinyin LIAO4 Jyutping liu6 On RYOU Kun MUNASHII Hangul Korean LYO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kill , massacre ; oppress
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6 On RIKU RYUU Kun KOROSU Hangul Korean LYUK Tang *liuk
Variant U+F9D2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to strangle ; to inquire into
Pinyin LIAO2 JIU1 LIU2 Jyutping gau1 lau4 On KYUU RYUU KU Kun KUKURU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bending branches , bent limbs
Pinyin JIU1 Jyutping gau1 On KYUU Kun TSUGA Hangul Korean KYU Tang giəu
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO2 LIU2 Jyutping lau4 liu4 On RYOU RYUU RU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beautiful jade ; tinkle
Pinyin QIU2 Jyutping kau4 On KYUU KU YUU YU Hangul Korean KWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to be healed ; to reform
Pinyin CHOU1 LU4 Jyutping cau1 On CHUU CHU RYOU Kun IERU Hangul Korean CHWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wind around , bind ; prepare
Pinyin MOU2 JIU1 LIAO3 MIAO4 MIU4 MU4 Jyutping mau4 mau6 miu6 muk6 On KYUU BYUU RYOU Kun TSUKANERU KUKURU MATOU Hangul Korean MWU YU Tang miəu
Simplified U+7F2A
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of the wind ; to soar
Pinyin LIU4 LIAO4 LIU2 Jyutping lau6 liu4 liu6 On RYUU RU RYOU RIKU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smartweed , polygonum
Pinyin LIAO3 LU4 LAO3 LIU3 Jyutping liu5 luk6 On RYOU RIKU Kun TADE Hangul Korean LYO
Variant U+F9C2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition error , exaggeration ; erroneous
Pinyin MIU4 Jyutping mau6 On BYOU BYUU MYUU Kun AYAMARU Hangul Korean LYU MWU
Simplified U+8C2C
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to roost
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu1 mau1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition complicated , confused ; dispute
Pinyin JIU1 JIAO1 Jyutping gaau1 On KOU KYOU Kun TOOKUNAGAI
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unclear wine , wine with dregs
Pinyin LAO2 Jyutping lou4 On ROU Kun NIGORIZA Hangul Korean LYO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pure gold
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4 On RYUU
Simplified U+9560
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wind in high places
Pinyin LIAO2 LIU2 LIU4 Jyutping lau4 liu4 On RYUU RU RIKU ROKU Kun FUKU Hangul Korean LYO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 八百十九 Simplified 八百十九
Pinyin ba1 bai3 shi2 jiu3
Deutsch 819 ( achthundertneunzehn ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hui4 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Korean hoe Reading Korean
Meaning picture ; drawing ; painting ; sketch Meaning fr image ; dessin ; peinture ; esquisse Meaning es cuadro ; dibujo ; pintura Meaning pt gravura ; desenho ; pintura ; esboço
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jie1 Reading On ガイ ; カイ Reading Kun まち Nanori また Reading Korean ga Reading Korean
Meaning boulevard ; street ; town Meaning fr boulevard ; rue ; ville Meaning es avenida ; calle ; ciudad Meaning pt bulevar ; rua ; cidade
Dictionary dr_henshall 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gong1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun せ. める Nanori おさむ Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning aggression ; attack Meaning fr agression ; attaque Meaning es agresión ; ataque ; asalto ; agredir ; atacar ; asaltar Meaning pt agressão ; ataque
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin suan1 Reading On サン Reading Kun す.い Reading Korean san Reading Korean
Meaning acid ; bitterness ; sour ; tart Meaning fr acide ; aigre ; amer ; sur ( goût ) Meaning es ácido ; agrio Meaning pt ácido ; amargo ; azedo ; picante
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xie4 Reading On シャ Reading Kun あやま .る Nanori さ ; ざ Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning apologize ; thank ; refuse Meaning fr excuses ; remerciements ; refus Meaning es disculparse ; agradecer ; rehusar Meaning pt pedir desculpas ; agradecer ; recusar
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ruo4 Reading On ジャク Reading Kun よわ .い ; よわ .る ; よわ . まる ; よわ . める Reading Korean yag Reading Korean
Meaning weak ; frail Meaning fr faible ; fragile Meaning es débil ; endeble ; delicado ; debilitarse ; debilitar Meaning pt frágil ; fraco
Dictionary dr_gakken 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qu3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun と.る ; と.り ; と. り- ; とり ; -ど .り Nanori どる Reading Korean chwi Reading Korean
Meaning take ; fetch ; take up Meaning fr prendre ; aller chercher Meaning es tomar ; coger Meaning pt tomar ; trazer ; recolher
Dictionary dr_heisig 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cheng2 Reading On ショウ ; ジョウ Reading Kun うけたまわ .る ; う. ける ; ささ . げる ; とど . める ; たす . ける ; こ. らす ; つい .で ; すく .う Nanori つぐ ; こと ; すけ ; つぎ ; よし Reading Korean seung Reading Korean
Meaning acquiesce ; hear ; listen to ; be informed ; receive Meaning fr consentir ; entendre ; écouter ; être informé ; recevoir Meaning es conceder ; heredar ; escuchar ; ser informado Meaning pt aquiescer ; escutar ; ser informado ; receber
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qing2 Reading On ジョウ ; セイ Reading Kun なさ .け Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning feelings ; emotion ; passion ; sympathy ; circumstances ; facts Meaning fr sentiments ; émotion ; passion ; compassion ; circonstances ; faits Meaning es sentimientos ; emoción ; simpatía Meaning pt sentimentos ; emoção ; paixão ; simpatia ; circunstâncias ; fatos
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi2 ; shi5 Reading On ショク Reading Kun ふ. える ; ふ. やす Nanori うえ ; え ; げ Reading Korean sig Reading Korean
Meaning augment ; increase ; multiply ; raise Meaning fr croître ; augmenter ; multiplier ; élever Meaning es aumentar ; incrementar ; crecer Meaning pt aumentar ; aumento ; multiplicar ; levantar
Dictionary dr_maniette 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi2 Reading On ショク ; ソク Nanori もと Reading Korean jig Reading Korean
Meaning post ; employment ; work Meaning fr poste de travail ; emploi ; travail Meaning es puesto ; empleo ; ocupación Meaning pt posto ; emprego ; trabalho
Dictionary dr_sakade 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fo2 ; fu2 Reading On ブツ ; フツ Reading Kun ほとけ Reading Korean bul Reading Korean
Meaning Buddha ; the dead ; France Meaning fr Bouddha ; France ; défunt Meaning es Buda ; Francia ; muerto ; difunto Meaning pt Buddha ; o morto ; França
Miscellaneous Frequency 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shu1 Reading On ユ ; シュ Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning transport ; send ; be inferior Meaning fr transporter ; envoyer ; être inférieur ( perdre ) Meaning es transportar ; trasladar Meaning pt transportar ; enviar ; estar inferiorizado
Dictionary dr_henshall3 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin luo3 Reading On Reading Kun はだか Reading Korean ra ; ya Reading Korean ;
Meaning naked ; nude ; uncovered ; partially clothed Meaning fr nudité ; nu ; découvert ; partiellement habillé Meaning es desnudo ; descubierto Meaning pt descoberto ; nu ; parcialmente vestido
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 819

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dan4 Reading On タン Reading Kun く.う ; くらわ .す Reading Korean dam Reading Korean
Meaning eat
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition even level . to raise in both hands
Pinyin jiān Jyutping gin1 hin1 On KEN Kun TAIRAKA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jewel in shape of tiger ; amber
Pinyin Jyutping fu2 On KO Hangul : 0N Korean HO Tang
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition humiliate ; treat with contempt
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition join forces , unite
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On RIKU Kun AWASERU Hangul : 1N Korean LYUK
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition final exclamatory particle
Pinyin xiāo Jyutping haau1 On HAU HEU RAUROU BIU MIU Hangul : 1N Korean KYO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition few , scarce ; empty , deserted
Pinyin liáo Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun SABISHII Hangul :0 Korean LYO Tang *leu
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition kill , massacre ; oppress
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On RIKU RYUU Kun KOROSU Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LYUK Tang *liuk
Variant U+F9D2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to strangle ; to inquire into
Pinyin jiū Jyutping gau1 lau4 On KYUU RYUU KU Kun KUKURU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 819

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 1785 ms