Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel like vomiting
Pinyin YANG3 Jyutping zoeng5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel anguish , feel compassion
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping cak1
Traditional U+60FB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel anguish , feel compassion
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping caak1 cak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun ITAMU Hangul Korean CHUK Tang *chriək
Simplified U+607B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel tired , be exhausted ; weak
Pinyin PI2 Jyutping pei4 On HI Kun TSUKARERU TSUKARE Hangul Korean PHI Tang bhyɛ Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel tired , be weary , be worn out
Pinyin CUI4 Jyutping seoi6 On SUI Kun TSUKARERU Hangul Korean CHWI Viet tuỵ

JMdict 100319
Reading くしゃくしゃ
Translation eng crumpled ; disheveled ; dishevelled ; feel gloomy Translation ger zerzaust ; zerknittert ; nervös ; ärgerlich Translation fre ébouriffé ; échevelé ; avoir le cafard ; froissé ; sombre ( humeur )

JMdict 100319
Word 怠い
Reading だるい
Translation eng sluggish ; feel heavy ; languid ; dull Translation ger schlapp ; schlaff ; träge ; matt ; müde Translation fre fatigué ; las

JMdict 100319
Word 手触り ; 手ざわり
Reading てざわり
Translation eng feel ; touch Translation ger Gefühl beim Tasten ; haptische Empfindung ; Anfühlen

JMdict 100319
Word 同情
Reading どうじょう
Translation eng sympathy ; compassion ; sympathize ; sympathise ; pity ; feel for Translation ger Mitleid ; Mitgefühl ; Anteilnahme ; Teilnahme ; Sympathie ; Erbarmen Translation fre compassion ; pitié ; sympathie Translation rus сочувствие

JMdict 100319
Word 清々 ; 清清
Reading せいせい
Translation eng feel refreshed ; feel relieved Translation ger erfrischt ; befreit

JMdict 100319
Word 肌触り ; 膚触り ; 肌触わり ; 膚触わり
Reading はだざわり
Translation eng the touch of ; feel of ; texture Translation ger Gefühl ; Anfühlen Translation fre désagréable ) ; le touché de ; sensation ( agréable

JMdict 100319
Word 質感
Reading しつかん ; しっかん
Translation eng feel of a material Translation ger Gefühl eines Materials

JMdict 100319
Word 筆触
Reading ひっしょく
Translation eng feel of a brush or pen Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Pinselführung ; Strich ; ( beim Malen )

JMdict 100319
Word 探り足
Reading さぐりあし
Translation eng feel one's way ( with one's feet ) Translation ger Ertasten des Weges mit den Füßen ; ( in der Dunkelheit )

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 掛け心地
Reading かけごこち
Translation eng feel of a chair

JMdict 100319
Reading きしょい ; キショイ
Translation eng feel sick ; ( something is ) weird
Crossref 気色悪い

JMdict 100319
Word 足触り ; 足ざわり
Reading あしざわり
Translation eng feel ( to the foot ) ; feel ( underfoot )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不快 Simplified 不快
Pinyin bu4 kuai4
English be unhappy ; be displeased ; be in low spirits ; be indisposed ; feel under the weather ; be out of sorts

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不是味兒 Simplified 不是味儿
Pinyin bu4 shi4 wei4 r5
English not the right flavor ; not quite right ; a bit off ; fishy ; queer ; amiss ; feel bad ; be upset

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不自在 Simplified 不自在
Pinyin bu4 zi4 zai5
English uneasiness ; feel uncomfortable

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不過意 Simplified 不过意
Pinyin bu4 guo4 yi4
English be sorry ; feel apologetic

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yun4
English indignant ; feel hurt

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chan4
English feel remorse ; regret ; repent

CEDict 100318
Traditional 抱屈 Simplified 抱屈
Pinyin bao4 qu1
English feel wronged

CEDict 100318
Traditional 抱愧 Simplified 抱愧
Pinyin bao4 kui4
English feel ashamed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 按脈 Simplified 按脉
Pinyin an4 mai4
English feel ( take ) the pulse

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin suo1
English feel ; to fondle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深感 Simplified 深感
Pinyin shen1 gan3
English feel deeply

CEDict 100318
Traditional 為難 Simplified 为难
Pinyin wei2 nan2
English feel embarrassed or awkward ; to make things difficult ( for someone ) ; to find things difficult ( to do or manage )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 球感 Simplified 球感
Pinyin qiu2 gan3
English ball sense ; feel for the ball

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xi3
English feel insecure ; unhappy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English feel ; find that ; thinking ; awake ; aware

CEDict 100318
Traditional 釋然 Simplified 释然
Pinyin shi4 ran2
English relieved ; at ease ; feel relieved

CEDict 100318
Traditional 難過 Simplified 难过
Pinyin nan2 guo4
English feel sorry ; be grieved

CEDict 100318
Traditional 領情 Simplified 领情
Pinyin ling3 qing2
English feel grateful to sb ; appreciate the kindness

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kuan1 Reading On カン Reading Kun くつろ .ぐ ; ひろ .い ; ゆる . やか Nanori とも ; のぶ ; のり ; ひろし ; ひろん ; ゆた ; ゆたか Reading Korean gwan Reading Korean
Meaning tolerant ; leniency ; generosity ; relax ; feel at home ; be at ease ; broadminded Meaning fr tolérant ; indulgent ; générosité ; se sentir chez soi ; être à l'aise ; ouverture d'esprit Meaning es tolerancia ; generosidad ; tranquilidad ; estar a gusto Meaning pt tolerante ; leniente ; generosidade ; relaxar ; à vontade ; mente aberta

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ku3 Reading On Reading Kun くる . しい ; -ぐる . しい ; くる . しむ ; くる . しめる ; にが .い ; にが .る Reading Korean go Reading Korean
Meaning suffering ; trial ; worry ; hardship ; feel bitter ; scowl Meaning fr souffrir ; peine ; affliction ; souci ; amer ; renfrogné Meaning es sufrimiento ; pena ; doloroso ; penoso ; trabajoso ; amargo Meaning pt sofrimento ; experiência ; preocupar ; dificuldade ; sentir- se amargo ; tristeza

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