JMdict 100319
Word 不自然
Reading ふしぜん
Translation eng unnatural ; artificial ; affected ; strained Translation ger Unnatürlichkeit Translation fre affecté ; artificiel ; contraint ; emprunté ; factice ; pas naturel

JMdict 100319
Word 患部
Reading かんぶ
Translation eng affected part Translation ger kranke Stelle ; betroffene Stelle ; betroffener Teil ; kranker Teil Translation fre partie atteinte ( maladie )

JMdict 100319
Word 気障
Reading きざ
Translation eng affected ; smug ; pompous ; conceited ; snobby ; pretentious Translation ger Affektiertheit ; Geziertheit ; etw . Unangenehmes ; Arroganz ; Prunkhaftigkeit ; Auffälligkeit Translation fre affectation ( suffisance )
Crossref 気障り

JMdict 100319
Word 作り顔
Reading つくりがお
Translation eng affected look ; made-up face Translation ger aufgesetztes Gesicht ; unnatürliches Aussehen

JMdict 100319
Word 似非笑い
Reading えせわらい
Translation eng smirk ; affected smile

JMdict 100319
Word 気取り屋
Reading きどりや
Translation eng snob ; affected person Translation ger Affektierter

JMdict 100319
Word 態とらしい
Reading わざとらしい
Translation eng unnatural ; affected ; studied ; forced Translation ger unnatürlich ; gekünstelt

JMdict 100319
Reading とっぽい
Translation eng pompous ; affected ; fresh

CEDict 100318
Traditional 做作 Simplified 做作
Pinyin zuo4 zuo5
English affected ; artificial

CEDict 100318
Traditional 受到影響 Simplified 受到影响
Pinyin shou4 dao4 ying3 xiang3
English affected ( usually adversely ) ; to suffer

CEDict 100318
Traditional 受寒 Simplified 受寒
Pinyin shou4 han2
English affected by cold ; to catch cold

CEDict 100318
Traditional 受暑 Simplified 受暑
Pinyin shou4 shu3
English affected by heat ; to suffer heatstroke or sunstroke

CEDict 100318
Traditional 受潮 Simplified 受潮
Pinyin shou4 chao2
English damp ; affected by damp and cold

CEDict 100318
Traditional 受累 Simplified 受累
Pinyin shou4 lei4
English put to a lot of trouble ( on sb else's behalf ) ; affected

CEDict 100318
Traditional 怪聲怪氣 Simplified 怪声怪气
Pinyin guai4 sheng1 guai4 qi4
English strange voice ; affected manner of speaking

JMdict 200217
Word 事新しい
Reading ことあたらしい
Translation hun modern Translation spa nuevo Translation swe ny
Translation eng unpredecented ; new ( and different ) ; fresh ; contrived ; affected Translation ger erneut

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 做作 Simplified 做作
Pinyin zuo4 zuo5
English affected ; artificial

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 受寒 Simplified 受寒
Pinyin shou4 han2
English affected by cold ; to catch cold

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 受暑 Simplified 受暑
Pinyin shou4 shu3
English affected by heat ; to suffer heatstroke or sunstroke

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 受潮 Simplified 受潮
Pinyin shou4 chao2
English damp ; affected by damp and cold

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 岔調 Simplified 岔调
Pinyin cha4 diao4
English ( of a voice ) husky ; hoarse ; affected ; ( music ) to go off-key

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 影響面 Simplified 影响面
Pinyin ying3 xiang3 mian4
English reach of influence ; affected area

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 怪聲怪氣 Simplified 怪声怪气
Pinyin guai4 sheng1 guai4 qi4
English strange voice ; affected manner of speaking

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 矯情 Simplified 矫情
Pinyin jiao3 qing2
English affected ; unnatural ; pretentious

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 裝腔作勢 Simplified 装腔作势
Pinyin zhuang1 qiang1 zuo4 shi4
English posturing ; pretentious ; affected

JMdict 200217
Reading とっぽい
Translation eng cocky ; affected ; pretentious ; fresh ; pompous Translation rus ( связ .:) とっぽいやつ идиот , болван

JMdict 200217
Word 被災地区
Reading ひさいちく
Translation eng stricken area ; affected district

JMdict 100319
Word 係る
Reading かかる
Translation eng to be the work of ; to be the result of ; to be done by ; to concern ; to affect ; to involve ; to relate to Translation ger betreffen ; angehen Translation fre affecter ; avoir rapport à ; concerner ; impliquer
Crossref 掛かる・かかる

JMdict 100319
Word 充てる
Reading あてる
Translation eng to assign ; to set aside Translation ger zuweisen ; verwenden ; einrichten Translation fre affecter ; appliquer ; attribuer

JMdict 100319
Word 配属
Reading はいぞく
Translation eng assignment ( of a person to somewhere ) ; attachment ( of a person to another unit , organization , etc .) Translation ger Zuweisung Translation fre affecter ( qqu'un à qquechose ) ; affectation

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chong1 Reading On ジュウ Reading Kun あ. てる ; み. たす Nanori あつ ; のぶ ; まさ ; みち ; みつ ; よし Reading Korean chung Reading Korean
Meaning allot ; fill Meaning fr attribuer ; affecter ; répartir ; être plein Meaning es asignar ; llenar ; rellenar Meaning pt divida ; encher

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