JMdict 100319
Reading さけ
Translation eng alcohol ; sake Translation ger Alkohol ; alkoholisches Getränk ; Sake ; japanischer Reiswein ; ( Alkoholgehalt 12 bis 16 Volumenprozent , wird oft warm getrunken ) Translation fre alcool ; saké
Crossref お酒

JMdict 100319
Word 酒代
Reading さかだい
Translation eng alcohol expenses Translation ger Ausgaben für Alkoholika ; Trinkgeld

JMdict 100319
Word 混成酒
Reading こんせいしゅ
Translation eng alcohol combined with sugar , spices , fruit , etc .

JMdict 100319
Word 罰杯
Reading ばっぱい
Translation eng alcohol which must be drunk as a penalty Translation ger Trinken als Bestrafung ; ( bei einem Gelage ) ; Becher , den man dabei trinken muss

JMdict 100319
Word 升酒 ; 枡酒
Reading ますざけ
Translation eng alcohol ( esp . sake ) served in a small wooden box ; alcohol ( esp . sake ) sold in a small wooden box

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading アルコールランプ
Translation eng alcohol lamp

CEDict 100318
Traditional 悶酒 Simplified 闷酒
Pinyin men4 jiu3
English alcohol drunk to drown one's sorrows

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chun2
English alcohol ; wine with high alcohol content ; rich ; pure ; good wine ; sterols

CEDict 100318
Traditional 醇酸 Simplified 醇酸
Pinyin chun2 suan1
English alkyd ; alcohol acid ; hydroxyacid

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun さけ ; さか- Nanori き ; さ ; し Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning sake ; alcohol Meaning fr saké ; alcool Meaning es sake ; alcohol ; vino de arroz Meaning pt sake ; álcool

JMdict 200217
Word アルコール依存症
Reading アルコールいぞんしょう
Translation dut alcoholisme ; alcoholverslaving ; drankzucht Translation hun alkoholizmus Translation swe alkoholism
Translation eng alcohol dependency ; alcoholism Translation ger Alkoholabhängigkeit

JMdict 200217
Word 飲酒
Reading いんしゅ
Translation dut alcohol drinken ; een borrel nemen ; alcoholconsumptie ; alcoholverbruik Translation spa alcohol potable ( sake )
Translation eng drinking alcohol ( sake ) Translation ger trinken ( Alkohol ) ; Trinken von Alkohol ; Alkoholgenuss ; Alkoholkonsum ; Trunk ; ( ugs .) Suff Translation rus пьянство

JMdict 200217
Word 強い
Reading つよい
Translation dut sterk ; krachtig ; stout ; stevig ; impressief ; klap} hard {m .b.t. ; houding} ferm {m .b.t. ; verzet} duchtig {m .b.t. ; geducht ; hevig ; band} hecht {m .b.t. ; gevoel} intens {m .b.t. ; geur} scherp {m .b.t. ; uitspraak} kras {m .b.t. ; geest {m .b.t. ; geloof enz .} kloek ; bries} stijf {m .b.t. ; drank} zwaar {m .b.t. ; bestand ( tegen ) ; gehard tegen ; -bestendig ; goed tegen {drank ; alcohol enz .} kunnen {direct voorafgegaan door ni に} ; sterk ( in ) ; goed ( in ) ; kundig ( in ) ; bekwaam ( in ) ; bedreven ( in ) Translation hun erős ; hatalmas ; hathatós ; alapos ; bőséges ; nagy ; nagyszerű ; hatásos ; közösülőképes ; potens Translation slv močen ; močan ; mogočen Translation spa fuerte ; poderoso ; potente ; vigoroso ; enérgico ; valiente ; intrépido ; robusto Translation swe stark ; mäktig
Translation eng strong ; potent ; competent ; domineering ; tough ; strong ; brawny ; powerful ; healthy ; rugged ; good ( at ) ; skilled ; knowledgeable ; being able to handle ; know how to deal ( with ) ; durable ( against ) ; resistant ( to ) ; resilient ; firm ; rigid ; solid ; intense ; strong ; fierce ; high ; dependable ; trustworthy Translation ger stark ; kraftvoll ; kräftig ; gewaltig ; heftig ; widerstandsfähig ; nicht anfällig ; robust ; gesund ; rüstig ; psychisch belastbar ; tapfer ; mutig ; wirkungsvoll ; tief ; tiefgehend ; mächtig ; fähig ; kenntnisreich ; geschickt ; begabt ; aufmerksam ; zuverlässig ; fest Translation fre fort ; puissant ; durable ; résistant ; résilient Translation rus 1) сильный ; могучий ; 2) сильный , интенсивный ; 3) крепкий ; 3) смелый , храбрый

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 酒精
Reading しゅせい
Translation dut alcohol Translation hun alkohol
Translation eng ( ethyl ) alcohol ; spirits of wine Translation ger Ethylalkohol ; Ethanol ; Äthylalkohol ; Äthanol ; Alkohol Translation rus алкоголь , спирт ; алкогольный , спиртной {~{の}}

JMdict 200217
Word 混成酒
Reading こんせいしゅ
Translation eng alcohol combined with sugar , spices , fruit , etc . Translation rus ( см .) こんごうしゅ

JMdict 200217
Word 爆弾
Reading ばくだん ; バクダン
Translation dut bom ; ontploffingstuig ; explosieven Translation hun bomba Translation slv bomba ; razstrelivo Translation spa bomba Translation swe bomba
Translation eng bomb ; alcohol with liquor added ( esp . wine-based shōchū highball , also beer with whiskey ) Translation ger Bombe ; Puffreis ; gepuffter Reis ; Puffmais ; Popcorn Translation fre bombe Translation rus бомба

JMdict 200217
Word 一価アルコール
Reading いっかアルコール
Translation spa alcohol monohídrico
Translation eng monohydric alcohol Translation ger einwertiger Alkohol

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jiu3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun さけ ; さか- Nanori き ; さ ; し Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning sake ; alcohol Meaning fr saké ; alcool Meaning es sake ; alcohol ; vino de arroz Meaning pt sake ; álcool

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 酒代
Reading さかだい
Translation dut geld voor drank ; sake ; fooi ; drinkgeld
Translation eng alcohol expenses ; tip Translation ger Ausgaben für Alkoholika ; Geld für alkoholische Getränke ; Trinkgeld Translation rus 1) деньги на вино ; 2) чаевые
Crossref 心付け ; チップ・1

JMdict 200217
Word お酒 ; 御酒
Reading おさけ ; ごしゅ
Translation hun japán rizspálinka ; rizspálinka ; szaké Translation slv riževo vino ; alkoholna pijača Translation spa sake
Translation eng alcohol ; sake Translation ger Sake ; Alkohol ( höfl .) Translation fre alcool ; sake Translation rus ( кн .) сакэ

JMdict 200217
Reading スピリット
Translation dut geest ; ziel ; spirit ; spiritualiën ; sterkedrank ; alcohol Translation hun alkohol ; kísértet ; lelkierő ; spiritusz ; szesz Translation spa espíritu ( eng : spirit ) Translation swe ande
Translation eng spirit Translation ger Geist ; Seele ; starker Schnaps Translation rus дух ( en : spirit )

JMdict 200217
Reading スピリッツ
Translation dut spiritualiën ; sterkedranken ; alcohol Translation hun szeszes italok Translation swe starkvaror
Translation eng spirits ( distilled beverage ) Translation ger Geist ; Seele ; starker Schnaps

Reading ブチルアルコール ; ブチル・アルコール
Translation spa alcohol butílico
Translation eng butyl alcohol Translation ger Butanol ; Butylalkohol

Reading エチルアルコール ; エチル・アルコール
Translation hun etanol ; etilalkohol Translation spa etanol ; alcohol etílico ( ale : A"thylalkohol )
Translation eng ethanol ; ethyl alcohol Translation ger Äthanol ; Ethanol ; Äthylalkohol ; Ethylalkohol ; Weingeist Source Language ger Äthylalkohol

JMdict 200217
Word 美禄
Reading びろく
Translation eng high salary ; alcohol Translation rus ( кн .) щедрое ( значительное ) денежное пособие
Crossref 天の美禄

JMdict 200217
Word 天の美禄
Reading てんのびろく
Translation eng alcohol

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading アルコール ; アルコホル
Translation dut alcoholisch ; gealcoholiseerd ; alcohol- ; alcohol Translation hun alkohol Translation slv alkohol Translation spa alcohol ( eng :) Translation swe alkohol ; sprit
Translation eng alcohol Translation ger Alkohol ; alkoholisch Translation fre alcool Translation rus (( голл .) alcohol ) спирт , алкоголь

CEDict 100318
Traditional 酒精 Simplified 酒精
Pinyin jiu3 jing1
English alcohol ; ethanol CH3CH2OH ; ethyl alcohol ; also written 乙醇 ; grain alcohol

JMdict 100319
Word お酒 ; 御酒
Reading おさけ ; ごしゅ
Translation eng alcohol ; sake

JMdict 100319
Reading アルコール
Translation eng alcohol Translation ger Alkohol Translation fre alcool Translation rus алкоголь

Records 1 - 50 of 93 retrieved in 1747 ms