HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bu4
Deutsch Variante von ( nein , nicht ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hai3 Reading On カイ Reading Kun うみ Nanori あ ; あま ; うな ; うん ; え ; か ; た ; ひろ ; ひろし ; ぶ ; まち ; まま ; み ; め ; わたる Reading Korean hae Reading Korean
Meaning sea ; ocean Meaning fr mer ; océan Meaning es mar ; océano ; playa Meaning pt oceano ; mar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pu2 Reading On ホ ; ボ ; フ ; ブ Reading Kun がま ; かば ; かま Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning bullrush ; flag ; cattail Meaning fr massette ( typha latifolia ) Meaning es espadaña ; anea

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huan1 Reading On カン Reading Kun よろこ .ぶ Nanori Reading Korean hwan Reading Korean
Meaning delight ; joy Meaning fr joie ; plaisir ; ravissement Meaning es alegría ; felicidad ; deleite ; diversión Meaning pt deleite ; prazer

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On ホウ ; ダ ; ダン ; ブ Reading Kun しとみ Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning latticed shutters

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chuan3 Reading On ブ ; セン Reading Kun まい ; そむ .く Nanori ます Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning dancing radical ( no . 136 )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On チョク ; ホ Reading Kun はかど .る Reading Korean cheog ; bo Reading Korean ;
Meaning make progress

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fan4 Reading On ハン ; ブ ; フウ ; ホウ ; ホン Reading Kun ただよ .う ; ひろ .い Nanori ひろ ; ひろし ; みな Reading Korean beom ; bong Reading Korean ;
Meaning pan-

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 ; bu2 Reading On フ ; ブ Reading Korean bu ; bul Reading Korean ;
Meaning negative ; non- ; bad ; ugly ; clumsy Meaning fr négation ; non ; mauvais ; laid ; maladroit Meaning es prefijo negativo : in- ; des- Meaning pt Prefixo negativo ; negativa ; não ; feia ; ruim ; deselegante

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On フ ; ホ Reading Kun つか ; はとば Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning wharf

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu1 ; fu2 Reading On フ ; フウ ; ブ Reading Kun おっと ; それ Nanori お ; と ; ゆう ; よ Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning husband ; man Meaning fr mari ; homme Meaning es marido ; hombre ; esposo Meaning pt marido ; homem

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On Reading Kun ぬの Nanori う ; の ; ほ Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning linen ; cloth Meaning fr linge Meaning es paño ; tela ; difusión Meaning pt Linho ; pano

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On フ ; ホ Reading Kun こわ .い ; こわ . がる ; お. じる ; おそ . れる Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning dreadful ; be frightened ; fearful Meaning fr effrayant ; affreux ; épouvantable ; faire peur Meaning es temor ; miedo ; estar asustado Meaning pt terrível ; assustar-se ; medroso

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フ ; ブ Nanori うた Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning levy ; ode ; prose ; poem ; tribute ; installment Meaning fr prélèvement ; tribut ; impôt ; versements ; ode ; poème ; prose poétique Meaning es arancel ; tributo ; asignación Meaning pt ode ; prosa ; poema ; tributo ; prestações ; tributar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On Reading Kun あなど .る ; あなず .る Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning scorn ; despise ; make light of ; contempt Meaning fr mépriser ; dédaigner ; prendre à la légère ; irrespect Meaning es desprecio ; menosprecio ; despreciar ; menospreciar Meaning pt desdém ; desprezo ; desprezar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu3 Reading On ブ ; フ Reading Kun な. でる Nanori なで ; なでし ; む Reading Korean mu ; bu Reading Korean ;
Meaning stroke ; pat ; smooth down Meaning es caricia ; roce ; consuelo ; acariciar ; rozar ; consolar ; calmar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Kun たけ .し Nanori う ; お ; たけし ; たけん ; ん Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning warrior ; military ; chivalry ; arms Meaning fr guerrier ; militaire ; chevalerie ; armes Meaning es guerrero ; armas ; valor Meaning pt guerreiro ; militar ; cavalaria ; armas

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On Reading Kun ま.う ; -ま .う ; まい Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning dance ; flit ; circle ; wheel Meaning fr danse ; voltiger ; cercle ; roue Meaning es danza ; baile ; revoloteo ; bailar ; revolotear Meaning pt dançar ; fugir ; círculo ; roda

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pu2 Reading On ブ ; ホ Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning wild grape ; Portugal Meaning es uva ; Portugal

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Kun かぶ ; かぶら ; あれる Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning turnip Meaning es tempestuoso ; desordenado ; alborotado ; confuso ; nabo ; estar tempestuoso ; perder el temperamento ; estar desordenado ; estar confuso

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On Reading Kun -べ Nanori とり ; ふ ; ぺ ; ま Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning section ; bureau ; dept ; class ; copy ; part ; portion ; counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine Meaning fr partie ; bureau ; service ; classe ; copie ; section ; portion ; compteur de copies ( presse ) Meaning es sección ; departamento ; parte ; copia Meaning pt seção ; biro ; departamento ; classe ; cópia ; parte ; porção ; sufixo para contagem de jornais ou revistas

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On ホ ; フ ; ブ Reading Kun ふな Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning carp Meaning es carpa ( pez )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 ; fen4 Reading On ブン ; フン ; ブ Reading Kun わ. ける ; わ.け ; わ. かれる ; わ. かる ; わ. かつ Nanori いた ; わけ Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning part ; minute of time ; segment ; share ; degree ; one's lot ; duty ; understand ; know ; rate ; 1% ; chances ; shaku/100 Meaning fr portion ; minute ; section ; part ; degré ; son lot dans la vie ; comprendre ; savoir ; devoir ; taux ; 1% ; chances ; bu = 1/100 de shaku = 3.03 mm Meaning es parte ; segmento ; minuto ; dividir ; separar Meaning pt parte ; minuto ; segmento ; grau ; dever ; compreender ; saber ; valor ; 1% ; oportunidades ; shaku/100

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bao3 Reading On ホ ; ホウ Reading Kun たも .つ Nanori う ; お ; ぶ ; もり ; やす ; やすし Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning protect ; guarantee ; keep ; preserve ; sustain ; support Meaning fr protéger ; garantir ; garder ; préserver ; conserver ; soutenir Meaning es garantizar ; mantener ; preservar ; proteger ; apoyar Meaning pt proteger garantia ; guarda ; preservar ; sustentar ; apoiar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu3 Reading On Reading Kun と. らえる ; と. らわれる ; と.る ; とら . える ; とら . われる ; つか . まえる ; つか . まる Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning catch ; capture Meaning fr attraper ; capturer Meaning es atrapar ; capturar ; coger ; ser atrapado ; ser capturado Meaning pt pegar ; capturar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On ホ ; ブ ; フ Reading Kun ある .く ; あゆ .む Nanori あ ; ゆき ; ゆみ Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning walk ; counter for steps Meaning fr marcher ; compteur de pas Meaning es camino ; caminar ; razón ; proporción ; ir a pie Meaning pt passeio

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu3 Reading On Reading Kun おぎな .う Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning supplement ; supply ; make good ; offset ; compensate ; assistant ; learner Meaning fr complément ; supplément ; améliorer ; compenser ; assistant ; stagiaire Meaning es suplir ; resarcir ; compensar Meaning pt suplemento ; oferta ; cumprir ; indenizar ; compensar ; assistente ; aprendiz

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 簿
Reading Pinyin bu4 Reading On Reading Korean bu ; bag Reading Korean ;
Meaning register ; record book Meaning fr registre ; livre ( comptes , annuaire ) Meaning es libro de registro ; cuaderno de notas Meaning pt registro ; registrar em livros

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin feng4 Reading On ホウ ; ブ Reading Kun たてまつ .る ; まつ .る ; ほう . ずる Nanori とも ; やす Reading Korean bong Reading Korean
Meaning observance ; offer ; present ; dedicate Meaning fr obéissance ; offrande ; présent ; se consacrer Meaning es ofrenda ; servicial ; ofrecer ; reverenciar ; obedecer Meaning pt observância ; oferecer ; presente ; dedicar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin feng1 Reading On ホウ Reading Kun みね ; ね Nanori ぶ ; ほ Reading Korean bong Reading Korean
Meaning summit ; peak Meaning fr sommet ; pointe ; pic Meaning es apogeo ; cumbre ; cima ; pico ; filo ( espada ) Meaning pt reunião de cúpula ; pico

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin peng2 Reading On ホウ ; ブ Reading Kun よもぎ Reading Korean bong Reading Korean
Meaning sagebrush ; wormwood ; mugwort

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin feng1 ; li3 Reading On ホウ ; ブ Reading Kun ゆた .か ; とよ Nanori て ; で ; と ; ひろし ; ふう ; ぶん ; ほ ; ゆたか Reading Korean pung ; rye Reading Korean ;
Meaning bountiful ; excellent ; rich Meaning fr abondance ; somptueux ; riche Meaning es abundante ; excelente ; rico ; abundancia Meaning pt abundante ; rico ; excelente

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu3 ; bo5 Reading On ボク Reading Kun うらな .う ; うらない Nanori うら Reading Korean bog Reading Korean
Meaning divining ; fortune-telling ; divination or katakana to radical ( no . 25 ) Meaning es adivinación ; vaticinio ; adivinar ; vaticinar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 ; mo2 Reading On ム ; ブ Reading Kun な.い Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning nothingness ; none ; ain't ; nothing ; nil ; not Meaning fr néant ; rien ; ne pas ; non ; in- ; négatif Meaning es nada ; inexistente ; prefijo negativo ; no hay Meaning pt Sem valor ; nada ; não sou/ estou ; nihil ; não

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu4 Reading On ム ; ボウ ; ブ Reading Kun きり Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning fog ; mist Meaning fr brouillard ; brume Meaning es niebla ; neblina Meaning pt nevoeiro ; névoa ; neblina

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning cockatoo

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu3 Reading On Reading Kun はぐく .む ; ふく .む Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning nurse ; suckle Meaning es cultivar ; cuidar ; llevarse a la boca

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu3 ; m2 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Kun さぞ ; さぞや ; さぞかし Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning how ; indeed ; I dare say

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu4 ; bu3 ; pu3 Reading On Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning used in Chinese place names

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bao3 ; bu3 ; pu4 Reading On ホ ; ホウ Reading Kun とりで Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning fort

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On Reading Kun しげ .る ; ひさし Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning walking under the eaves

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On ブ ; コ Reading Kun いつくし .む Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning disappointment

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 ; mo2 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Kun なし ; ない Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning nothing ; not exist ; crooked heaven radical ( no . 71 )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Kun はは ; ぼ ; ない ; なか .れ Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning do not ; must not ; be not ; mother radical ( no . 80 )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bo5 ; bu3 ; bo2 Reading On フク ; ホク Reading Korean bog Reading Korean
Meaning giant radish ; daikon

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin feng1 Reading On ホウ ; ブ Reading Kun ゆた .か ; とよ Reading Korean pung Reading Korean
Meaning bountiful ; excellent ; rich

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu1 Reading On ホ ; フ Reading Kun のが . れる Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning flee

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading On Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning tin plate ; ( kokuji )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bu1 Reading On ホ ; フ Reading Kun く.う ; ゆうめし Reading Korean po Reading Korean
Meaning eat ; late afternoon meal

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning unmottled quail

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