JMdict 100319
Word 人間愛
Reading にんげんあい
Translation eng humanity ; human love Translation ger Liebe zur Menschheit ; Menschenliebe

JMdict 100319
Word 人間性
Reading にんげんせい
Translation eng humanity ; human nature Translation ger Menschlichkeit ; menschliche Natur Translation fre humanité

JMdict 100319
Word 人性
Reading じんせい
Translation eng human nature ; instinct ; humanity ; humanism Translation ger menschliche Natur ; Menschlichkeit ; Menschentum

JMdict 100319
Word 人道
Reading じんどう
Translation eng humanity ; sidewalk ; footpath Translation ger Menschlichkeit ; Humanität ; Weg des Menschen ; Bürgersteig

JMdict 100319
Word 人倫
Reading じんりん
Translation eng human relations ; humanity Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Menschlichkeit ; Sittlichkeit ; Humanität ; menschliche Beziehungen Translation fre éthique ; humanité ; morale

JMdict 100319
Word 人類
Reading じんるい
Translation eng mankind ; humanity Translation ger Menschheit ; Mensch ; Menschengeschlecht ; Menschentum Translation fre genre humain ; humanité Translation rus челове́чество

JMdict 100319
Word 仁心
Reading じんしん
Translation eng benevolence ; humanity Translation ger Barmherzigkeit ; Menschlichkeit

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 人文
Reading じんぶん ; じんもん
Translation eng humanity ; civilization ; civilisation ; culture Translation ger Kultur ; Zivilisation ; Humanität

JMdict 100319
Word 情味
Reading じょうみ
Translation eng charm ; attractiveness ; humanity Translation ger Menschlichkeit ; Humanität ; gemütliche Stimmung

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人類 Simplified 人类
Pinyin ren2 lei4
English humanity ; human race ; mankind

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ren2 Reading On ジン ; ニ ; ニン Nanori きみ ; く ; さと ; しのぶ ; じ ; と ; のり ; ひと ; ひとし ; ひろ ; まさ ; まさし ; やす ; よし Reading Korean in Reading Korean
Meaning humanity ; virtue ; benevolence ; charity ; man ; kernel Meaning fr humanité ; vertu ; bienveillance ; charité ; grandeur d'âme ; homme ; noyau Meaning es humanidad ; benevolencia ; bondad ; caridad Meaning pt humanidade ; virtude ; benevolência ; caridade ; homem ; núcleo

JMdict 200217
Word 人間愛
Reading にんげんあい
Translation eng humanity ; human love Translation ger Liebe zur Menschheit ; Menschenliebe Translation rus человеческая любовь

JMdict 200217
Word 人気 ; ひと気 ; 人け
Reading ひとけ ; ひとげ
Translation slv življenjski znak ; občutek , da je v bližini človek Translation spa señal de vida Translation swe livstecken
Translation eng sign of life ; human presence ; humanity ; humaneness Translation ger Hinweis auf menschliches Leben ; Menschlichkeit ; Hinweis auf menschliches Leben

JMdict 200217
Word 仁心
Reading じんしん
Translation hun jóindulat
Translation eng benevolence ; humanity Translation ger Barmherzigkeit ; Menschlichkeit Translation rus доброе сердце

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ren2 Reading On ジン ; ニ ; ニン Nanori きみ ; く ; さと ; しのぶ ; じ ; と ; のり ; ひと ; ひとし ; ひろ ; まさ ; まさし ; やす ; よし Reading Korean in Reading Korean
Meaning humanity ; virtue ; benevolence ; charity ; man ; kernel Meaning fr humanité ; vertu ; bienveillance ; charité ; grandeur d'âme ; homme ; noyau Meaning es humanidad ; benevolencia ; bondad ; caridad Meaning pt humanidade ; virtude ; benevolência ; caridade ; homem ; núcleo

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 人類 Simplified 人类
Pinyin ren2 lei4
English humanity ; human race ; mankind

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 心肝 Simplified 心肝
Pinyin xin1 gan1
English darling ; ( in negative sentences ) heart ; humanity

JMdict 200217
Word 人類
Reading じんるい
Translation dut mensheid ; mensdom ; mensengeslacht ; menselijk geslacht ; menselijk ras ; mensenras {w .g.} ; menselijke soort ; genus Homo {wetensch .} ; mensen ; mensenkinderen ; kinderen van Adam {uitdr .} Translation hun emberiség ; emberi természet ; emberiesség Translation slv človeštvo Translation spa género humano ; ( la ) humanidad
Translation eng mankind ; humanity Translation ger Menschheit ; Mensch ; Menschengeschlecht ; Menschentum Translation fre genre humain ; humanité Translation rus человечество

JMdict 200217
Word 人性
Reading じんせい
Translation hun hajlam
Translation eng human nature ; instinct ; humanity ; humanism Translation ger menschliche Natur ; Menschlichkeit ; Menschentum Translation rus человеческая природа ( натура )

JMdict 200217
Word 人間性
Reading にんげんせい
Translation hun emberi természet ; emberiesség ; emberiség Translation slv humanost ; človeška narava Translation spa humanidad ; naturaleza humana
Translation eng humanity ; human nature Translation ger Menschlichkeit ; menschliche Natur Translation fre humanité Translation rus человеческая натура

JMdict 200217
Reading ヒューマニティー ; ヒューマニティ
Translation hun emberi természet ; emberiesség ; emberiség Translation swe humanitet
Translation eng humanity Translation ger Humanität Translation rus (( англ .) humanity ) человечность , гуманность

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人性 Simplified 人性
Pinyin ren2 xing4
English human nature ; humanity ; human ; the totality of human attributes

JMdict 100319
Reading ヒューマニティー
Translation eng humanity Translation ger Humanität

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 人性 Simplified 人性
Pinyin ren2 xing4
English human nature ; humanity ; human ; the totality of human attributes

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217

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