JMdict 100319
Reading ライフタイム
Translation eng lifetime

JMdict 100319
Word 一期
Reading いちご
Translation eng one's life time ; lifetime Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Lebensspanne ; jmds . ganzes Leben ; Lebtage ; Erdentage

JMdict 100319
Word 一生涯
Reading いっしょうがい
Translation eng lifetime ; one's whole life ; all through life Translation ger ganze Leben hindurch ; ganze Leben lang Translation fre durant tout une vie ; pendant toute ma vie ; une vie ( durée )

JMdict 100319
Word 一代
Reading いちだい
Translation eng generation ; lifetime ; age Translation ger Generation ; Lebensdauer ; Lebenszeit ; Regierungszeit ; ( eines Kaisers etc .) ; eine gewisse Zeit

JMdict 100319
Word 生存期間
Reading せいぞんきかん
Translation eng lifetime Translation ger Lebenszeit

JMdict 100319
Word 畢生
Reading ひっせい
Translation eng lifetime Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Länge des Lebens

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shi4
English life ; age ; generation ; era ; world ; lifetime ; epoch ; descendant ; noble

CEDict 100318
Traditional 壽限 Simplified 寿限
Pinyin shou4 xian4
English lifetime ; length of life

CEDict 100318
Traditional 生平事跡 Simplified 生平事迹
Pinyin sheng1 ping2 shi4 ji4
English lifetime achievements

CEDict 100318
Traditional 畢生 Simplified 毕生
Pinyin bi4 sheng1
English all one's life ; lifetime

CEDict 100318
Traditional 百年 Simplified 百年
Pinyin bai3 nian2
English hundred years ; century ; lifetime

CEDict 100318
Traditional 終生 Simplified 终生
Pinyin zhong1 sheng1
English throughout one's life ; lifetime ; lifelong

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bei4
English contemporaries ; generation ; lifetime

CEDict 100318
Traditional 輩子 Simplified 辈子
Pinyin bei4 zi5
English all one's life ; lifetime

JMdict 200217
Reading ライフタイム
Translation swe livstid
Translation eng lifetime

JMdict 200217
Word 一期
Reading いちご
Translation dut levensduur ; mensenleven ; yāvaj-jīvam {boeddh .} ; levenseinde ; laatste ogenblik ; uur ; allerlaatste momenten Translation hun félév ; szó ; hátulja Translation spa vida propia ; vida
Translation eng one's life time ; lifetime Translation ger Lebtage ; Erdentage ; Lebensspanne ; jmds . ganzes Leben ; Todesstunde ; Lebensende Translation rus срок жизни

JMdict 200217
Word 一生涯
Reading いっしょうがい
Translation spa vida ; vida completa de uno ; toda una vida
Translation eng lifetime ; one's whole life ; all through life Translation ger Lauf des Lebens ; Leben ; Lebenszeit ; das ganze Leben hindurch ; das ganze Leben lang Translation fre durant tout une vie ; pendant toute ma vie ; une vie ( durée ) Translation rus вся жизнь

JMdict 200217
Word 生存期間
Reading せいぞんきかん
Translation swe livstid
Translation eng lifetime Translation ger Lebenszeit

JMdict 200217
Word 畢生
Reading ひっせい
Translation eng lifetime Translation ger Länge des Lebens Translation rus : {~の} ( связ .:)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shi4
English life ; age ; generation ; era ; world ; lifetime ; epoch ; descendant ; noble

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 壽命 Simplified 寿命
Pinyin shou4 ming4
English life span ; life expectancy ; lifetime ( of a machine )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 壽限 Simplified 寿限
Pinyin shou4 xian4
English lifetime ; length of life

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 生平事跡 Simplified 生平事迹
Pinyin sheng1 ping2 shi4 ji4
English lifetime achievements

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 畢生 Simplified 毕生
Pinyin bi4 sheng1
English all one's life ; lifetime

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 終生 Simplified 终生
Pinyin zhong1 sheng1
English throughout one's life ; lifetime ; lifelong

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 百年 Simplified 百年
Pinyin bai3 nian2
English hundred years ; century ; lifetime

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 輩子 Simplified 辈子
Pinyin bei4 zi5
English all one's life ; lifetime

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bei4
English lifetime ; generation ; group of people ; class ; classifier for generations ; ( literary ) classifier for people

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