KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lao4 ; luo4 Reading On ラク Reading Korean rag Reading Korean
Meaning dairy products ; whey ; broth ; fruit juice Meaning fr produits laitiers ; petit-lait ; bouillon ; jus de fruits Meaning es productos lácteos ; productos de uso diario Meaning pt produtos lácteos ; creme ; caldo ; suco de fruta

JMdict 200217
Word 関連商品
Reading かんれんしょうひん
Translation spa productos relacionados
Translation eng related product Translation ger in Zusammenhang stehendes Produkt

JMdict 200217
Word 絹織物
Reading きぬおりもの
Translation spa productos de seda
Translation eng silk goods Translation ger Seidenstoff ; Seidengewebe Translation fre articles en soie Translation rus шёлковая ткань , шёлк

JMdict 200217
Word 食物
Reading しょくもつ
Translation dut voedsel ; kost ; eten ; voeding ; spijs Translation hun élelmiszer ; ennivaló Translation slv hrana ; živilo Translation spa alimentos ; productos alimenticios
Translation eng food ; foodstuff Translation ger Essen ; Speise ; Nahrung Translation fre aliment ; denrées ; produit alimentaire Translation rus пища , еда ; продукты питания ; питаться ( чем-л .), употреблять в пищу ( что-л .) {…を~とする}

JMdict 200217
Word 電器
Reading でんき
Translation dut elektrisch apparaat Translation hun elektromos Translation spa productos eléctricos
Translation eng electric ( goods ) Translation ger Elektrowaren Translation rus (( сокр .) 電気器具 ) электроаппаратура , электроприбор

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 農産
Reading のうさん
Translation spa productos agrícolas
Translation eng agricultural products Translation ger landwirtschaftliche Produktion

JMdict 200217
Word 産品
Reading さんぴん
Translation dut product Translation spa productos
Translation eng products Translation ger Produkt Translation rus ( кн .) продукт

JMdict 200217
Word 絹物
Reading きぬもの
Translation spa productos de seda
Translation eng silk goods Translation ger Seidenwaren Translation rus изделия из шёлка

JMdict 200217
Word 一次産品
Reading いちじさんぴん
Translation dut primair product {econ .} ; primaire goederen Translation spa productos primarios
Translation eng primary products Translation ger Primärprodukt

JMdict 200217
Word 生産物
Reading せいさんぶつ
Translation spa productos
Translation eng products Translation ger Produkt ; Erzeugnis Translation rus продукт , продукция

JMdict 200217
Word 海幸
Reading うみさち
Translation spa productos marinos
Translation eng seafood ; products of the sea ; marine products ; fruits of the sea Translation ger Meeresfrüchte ; Segen des Meeres ; Meeresprodukt
Crossref 山幸

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lao4 ; luo4 Reading On ラク Reading Korean rag Reading Korean
Meaning dairy products ; whey ; broth ; fruit juice Meaning fr produits laitiers ; petit-lait ; bouillon ; jus de fruits Meaning es productos lácteos ; productos de uso diario Meaning pt produtos lácteos ; creme ; caldo ; suco de fruta

JMdict 200217
Word 関連製品
Reading かんれんせいひん
Translation spa productos relacionados
Translation eng related product ; related products Translation ger verwandte Produkte

JMdict 200217
Word 海鮮
Reading かいせん
Translation dut verse zeevis ; schaal- en schelpdieren ; zeebanket ; fruits de mer ; zeevruchten {Belg .N.} Translation spa productos frescos del mar ; pescado y marisco fresco
Translation eng seafood Translation ger frische Meeresfrüchte

JMdict 200217
Word 電気製品
Reading でんきせいひん
Translation dut elektrisch apparaat ; elektra {verzameln .} Translation spa productos electrónicos
Translation eng electronic goods Translation ger Elektroartikel Translation rus электротовары

JMdict 200217
Word 海産物
Reading かいさんぶつ
Translation dut zeeproducten Translation slv morski sadeži Translation spa productos marinos
Translation eng marine products Translation ger Meeresprodukte ; Meeresfrüchte Translation fre produits de la mer Translation rus продукты моря , продукты морского промысла

JMdict 200217
Reading プロダクツ
Translation spa productos ( eng : products )
Translation eng products

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