JMdict 200217
Word 託宣
Reading たくせん
Translation dut orakel ; orakelspreuk ; orakeltaal ; godsspraak ; profetie Translation hun jóshely ; nagy bölcs ; nagy bölcsesség ; orákulum Translation spa oráculo Translation swe orakel ; orakelsvar
Translation eng oracle Translation ger Orakel ; göttliche Botschaft Translation fre oracle Translation rus откровение ( божества ); ( ср .) ごたくせん

JMdict 200217
Reading バル
Translation dut ( het boek ) Baruch {bijb .} ; Profetie van Baruch ; Bar . {afk .} Translation hun balkon
Translation eng balcony ; Spanish bar ; Spanish-style restaurant with a counter , serving food , alcoholic drinks , and coffee

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