CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
Variant | , year
English years old

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English ( tree )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English classifier for years ( of age ) ; year ; year ( of crop harvests )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲不我與 Simplified 岁不我与
Pinyin sui4 bu4 wo3 yu3
English Time and tide wait for no man ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲修 Simplified 岁修
Pinyin sui4 xiu1
English start of the year

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲俸 Simplified 岁俸
Pinyin sui4 feng4
English annual salary

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲入 Simplified 岁入
Pinyin sui4 ru4
English revenue ; annual income

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲差 Simplified 岁差
Pinyin sui4 cha4
English the precession of the equinoxes

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲序 Simplified 岁序
Pinyin sui4 xu4
English succession of seasons

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲數 Simplified 岁数
Pinyin sui4 shu5
English age ( number of years old )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲時 Simplified 岁时
Pinyin sui4 shi2
English season ; time of the year

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲暮 Simplified 岁暮
Pinyin sui4 mu4
English end of the year

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲月 Simplified 岁月
Pinyin sui4 yue4
English years ; passing of time

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲月如流 Simplified 岁月如流
Pinyin sui4 yue4 ru2 liu2
English the passage of the years ; the flow of time

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲月崢嶸 Simplified 岁月峥嵘
Pinyin sui4 yue4 zheng1 rong2
English eventful years ; momentous times

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲月流逝 Simplified 岁月流逝
Pinyin sui4 yue4 liu2 shi4
English as time goes by ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲歲平安 Simplified 岁岁平安
Pinyin sui4 sui4 ping2 an1
English May you have peace year after year ( New Year's greeting )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲計餘絀 Simplified 岁计余绌
Pinyin sui4 ji4 yu2 chu4
English annual budgetary surplus or deficit ( accountancy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲闌 Simplified 岁阑
Pinyin sui4 lan2
English late season of a year

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歲首 Simplified 岁首
Pinyin sui4 shou3
English start of the year

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English Japanese variant of |

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English fire ; speculum ; to obtain fire by drilling wood , striking flint , sun's rays etc

CEDict 100318
Traditional 燧人 Simplified 燧人
Pinyin Sui4 ren2
English Suiren , legendary inventor of fire

CEDict 100318
Traditional 燧人氏 Simplified 燧人氏
Pinyin Sui4 ren2 shi4
English Suirenshi , legendary inventor of fire

CEDict 100318
Traditional 燧石 Simplified 燧石
Pinyin sui4 shi2
English flint

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English pendant girdle-ornaments

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English bright eye ; clear

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English Japanese variant of ; to smash up

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English to break down ; to break into pieces ; fragmentary

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎冰船 Simplified 碎冰船
Pinyin sui4 bing1 chuan2
English ice breaker ; same as 冰船 [ bing1 chuan2 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎塊 Simplified 碎块
Pinyin sui4 kuai4
English fragment

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎塊兒 Simplified 碎块儿
Pinyin sui4 kuai4 r5
English erhua variant of 碎塊 | 碎块 [ sui4 kuai4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎屑 Simplified 碎屑
Pinyin sui4 xie4
English fragment ; clastic (i.e. broken into fragments )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎屑岩 Simplified 碎屑岩
Pinyin sui4 xie4 yan2
English clastic rock ( geology )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎屑沉積物 Simplified 碎屑沉积物
Pinyin sui4 xie4 chen2 ji1 wu4
English clastic sediment

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎布條 Simplified 碎布条
Pinyin sui4 bu4 tiao2
English shred

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎心裂膽 Simplified 碎心裂胆
Pinyin sui4 xin1 lie4 dan3
English in mortal fear ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎掉 Simplified 碎掉
Pinyin sui4 diao4
English to drop and smash ; broken

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎片 Simplified 碎片
Pinyin sui4 pian4
English chip ; fragment ; splinter ; tatter

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎石 Simplified 碎石
Pinyin sui4 shi2
English crushed or broken rock , stone etc

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎紙機 Simplified 碎纸机
Pinyin sui4 zhi3 ji1
English paper shredder

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎肉 Simplified 碎肉
Pinyin sui4 rou4
English ground meat ; mincemeat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碎裂 Simplified 碎裂
Pinyin sui4 lie4
English to disintegrate ; to shatter into small pieces

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English evil spirit

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English Japanese variant of | [ sui4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin Sui4
English abbr . for Guangzhou 廣州 | 广州 [ Guang3 zhou1 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English ear of grain

CEDict 100318
Traditional 穗飾 Simplified 穗饰
Pinyin sui4 shi4
English tassel

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English ear of grain

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English fine and loose cloth ; tassel

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