CEDict 100318
Traditional 書館兒 Simplified 书馆儿
Pinyin shu1 guan3 r5
English teashop with performance by 評書 | 评书 story tellers

JMdict 200217
Word 茶園
Reading ちゃえん ; さえん
Translation dut theeplantage ; theeland ; theetuin {Ind .N.} ; theewinkel ; teashop Translation swe teplantage
Translation eng tea plantation ; tea shop Translation ger Teeplantage ; Teeplantage ; Teegeschäft Translation rus 1) чайная плантация ; 2) чайная лавка ( название ) ; ( см .) さえん

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 書館兒 Simplified 书馆儿
Pinyin shu1 guan3 r5
English teashop with performance by 評書 | 评书 story tellers

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