JMdict 100319
Reading であろう
Translation eng will ; probably ; may ; I think ; surely ; I hope ; I fear ; it seems

JMdict 100319
Reading まじ ; マジ
Translation eng serious ( not capricious or flirtatious ) ; cannot ; should not ; will not ; must not Translation ger ( ugs .) ; ernsthaft ; ernst ; aufrichtig
Crossref まい

JMdict 100319
Word 意力
Reading いりょく
Translation eng will ; will-power Translation ger Willenskraft ; Wille ; geistige Kraft

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 遺命
Reading いめい
Translation eng will ; dying instructions Translation ger letzter Wille ; letzte Anordnung eines Sterbenden

JMdict 100319
Word 宜しい
Reading よろしい
Translation eng good ; OK ; all right ; fine ; very well ; will do ; may ; can Translation ger gut ; richtig ; in Ordnung Translation fre "Ok" ; bien ; parfait ; trés bien Translation rus хороший

JMdict 100319
Reading こころざし
Translation eng will ; intention ; motive Translation ger Wille ; Absicht ; Vorsatz ; Ziel ; Wunsch ; Ehrgeiz ; guter Wille ; Aufmerksamkeit ; Geschenk ; Zeichen der Dankbarkeit Translation fre but ; dessein ; intention ; volonté

JMdict 100319
Word 上意
Reading じょうい
Translation eng will or decree ( esp . of shogun ) ; emperor's wishes Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Wille des Herrschers ; Befehl des Tennô od . Shôgun

JMdict 100319
Word 天運
Reading てんうん
Translation eng destiny ; will of Heaven ; luck Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Schicksal ; Wille des Himmels ; Lauf der Gestirne

JMdict 100319
Word 意欲 ; 意慾
Reading いよく
Translation eng will ; desire ; ambition Translation ger Wollen ; Wille ; Begeisterung ; Eifer Translation fre ambition ; désir

JMdict 100319
Word 勤労意欲
Reading きんろういよく
Translation eng will to work Translation ger Arbeitslust ; Wille zur Arbeit

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading んず ; むず ; うず
Translation eng will probably be ; intending to ; will ; should
Crossref んとする

JMdict 100319
Translation eng unh ( sound of physical exertion ) ; oof ; wow ; whoa ; yes ; yeah ; uh-huh ; ( after a -nai stem ) probably ; will ; intend to ; would like to have done ( for me )
Crossref うむ

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不會 Simplified 不会
Pinyin bu4 hui4
English improbable ; unlikely ; will not ( act , happen etc ) ; not able ; not having learned to do sth

CEDict 100318
Traditional 天心 Simplified 天心
Pinyin tian1 xin1
English center of the sky ; will of heaven ; will of the Gods ; the monarch's will

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jiang1
English will ; shall ; to use ; to take ; to checkmate ; just a short while ago

CEDict 100318
Traditional 將會 Simplified 将会
Pinyin jiang1 hui4
English auxiliary verb introducing future action : may ( be able to ) ; will ( cause ) ; should ( enable ) ; going to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 將要 Simplified 将要
Pinyin jiang1 yao4
English will ; shall ; be going to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 就要 Simplified 就要
Pinyin jiu4 yao4
English will ; shall ; be going to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 心志 Simplified 心志
Pinyin xin1 zhi4
English will ; resolution

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi4
English certainly ; must ; will ; necessarily

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hui4
English can ; be possible ; be able to ; will ; be likely to ; be sure to ; to assemble ; to meet ; to gather ; to see ; union ; group ; association ; a moment ( Taiwan pr . for this sense is hui3 )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 永不 Simplified 永不
Pinyin yong3 bu4
English never ; will never

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xing2
English to walk ; to go ; to travel ; a visit ; temporary ; makeshift ; current ; in circulation ; to do ; to perform ; capable ; competent ; effective ; all right ; OK! ; will do

CEDict 100318
Traditional 行不通 Simplified 行不通
Pinyin xing2 bu5 tong1
English won't work ; will get ( you ) nowhere

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yao4
English important ; vital ; to want ; will ; going to ( as future auxiliary ) ; may ; must

CEDict 100318
Traditional 遺囑 Simplified 遗嘱
Pinyin yi2 zhu3
English testament ; will

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi3 Reading On Reading Kun むね ; うま .い Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning delicious ; relish ; show a liking for ; purport ; will ; clever ; expert Meaning fr délicieux ; très bien ; savoureux ; avoir un penchant pour ; portée ; volonté ; intelligent ; expert Meaning es principio ; idea ; significado ; delicioso ; habilidoso ; es decir Meaning pt delicioso ; sabor ; mostra um gosto para ; vontade ; inteligente ; perito

KanjiDic2 100402

JMdict 200217
Reading であろう
Translation hun végrendelet ; talán ; úgy látszik ; úgy tűnik Translation spa al parecer
Translation eng will ; probably ; may ; I think ; surely ; I hope ; I fear ; it seems

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 意志
Reading いし
Translation dut wil ; wilskracht Translation hun akarás ; akarat ; végrendelet Translation slv volja Translation spa voluntad ; volición ; intención ; determinación
Translation eng will ; volition ; intention ; intent ; determination Translation ger Wille ; Absicht ; Vorhaben ; Wille ; Wille ; Wollen ; Voluntativ Translation fre volonté ; intention ; détermination Translation rus воля , стремление , желание

JMdict 200217
Word 遺言状
Reading ゆいごんじょう
Translation dut uiterste wil ; laatste wilsbeschikking ; testament ; test . {afk .} Translation hun végrendelet Translation spa voluntad ; testamento Translation swe testamente
Translation eng will ; testament Translation ger Testament ; Vermächtnis ( das Schriftstück ) Translation rus ( см .) ゆいごんしょ

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 威爾與格蕾絲 Simplified 威尔与格蕾丝
Pinyin wei1 er3 yu3 ge2 lei3 si1
Deutsch Will & Grace (u.E.)

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Reading こえ
Translation dut stem ; toon van een stem ; timbre ; klankkleur ; uitroep ; roep ; kreet ; gil ; schreeuw ; geschreeuw ; gehuil ; dierengeluid ; gehuil ; gejank ; geblaf van honden ; gesjirp van insecten ; gefluit van vogels ; gezang van vogels ; geluid ; gerucht Translation hun hang ; igealak ; zönge Translation slv glas Translation spa voz Translation swe röst ; stämma
Translation eng voice ; singing ( of a bird ) ; chirping ( of an insect ) ; hoot ; voice ; opinion ( as expressed in words ) ; view ; wish ; attitude ; will ; sound ; sense ( of something's arrival ) ; feeling ; voice ; voiced sound Translation ger Stimme ; Laut ; Ton ; Schrei ; Ruf ; Tierstimme ; Zirpen ; Heulen ; Bellen ; Brüllen Translation fre voix Translation rus голос ; звук голоса ; крик ; ( ср .) おこえ

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鬥志 Simplified 斗志
Pinyin dou4 zhi4
English will to fight ; fighting spirit

CEDict 100318
Traditional 永垂不朽 Simplified 永垂不朽
Pinyin yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3
English eternal glory ; will never be forgotten

JMdict 200217
Word 欲求
Reading よっきゅう
Translation dut verlangen ; begeerte ; wens ; behoefte ; zucht Translation hun kívánság ; vágy Translation slv zahteva ; hotenje ; potrebe Translation spa deseo Translation swe begär
Translation eng desire ; want ; will ; wish ; urge ; craving Translation ger Bedürfnis ; Verlangen ; Begierde ; Wunsch ; Trieb Translation fre désir Translation rus желание , стремление ; потребность

JMdict 200217
Word 意欲 ; 意慾
Reading いよく
Translation dut wil ; lust ; zin ; tuk ; het willen ; begeerte ; ambitie ; gedrevenheid Translation hun akarat ; vágy ; nagyravágyás ; törekvés Translation slv želja ; volja ; ambicija ; motivacija ; hotenje Translation spa voluntad ; desaire ; ambición
Translation eng will ; desire ; ambition ; urge (e.g. creative urge ) Translation ger Wollen ; Wille ; Begeisterung ; Eifer Translation fre ambition ; désir Translation rus воля ; желание ( получить что-л .)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 意志 Simplified 意志
Pinyin yi4 zhi4
English will ; willpower ; determination

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