Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feeble , tiny , young and weak
Pinyin NI2 NI4 Jyutping ngai4 On GEI GAI Kun KIWA Hangul Korean YEY Viet nghê
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0460

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition go away , leave , depart
Pinyin QU4 Jyutping heoi2 heoi3 On KYO KO Kun SARU Hangul Korean KE Tang *kiù Viet khứ
Hong Kong proper shape 0460

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition subdue , overcome ; cut down
Pinyin KE4 Jyutping haak1 hak1 On KOKU Kun KATSU Hangul Korean KUK
Simplified U+514B
Taiwan Telegraph 0460

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition feeble , tiny , young and weak
Pinyin Jyutping ngai4 On GEI GAI Kun KIWA Hangul : 0N Korean YEY Viet nghê
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0460

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition go away , leave , depart
Pinyin Jyutping heoi2 heoi3 On KYO KO Kun SARU Hangul : 0E Korean KE Tang *kiù Viet khứ
Hong Kong proper shape 0460

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition subdue , overcome ; cut down
Pinyin Jyutping haak1 hak1 On KOKU Kun KATSU Hangul : 0N Korean KUK
Simplified U+514B
Taiwan Telegraph 0460

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin TAO3 Jyutping tou2 On TOU Kun UTSU TAZUNERU Hangul Korean THO Tang tɑ̌u Viet thảo
Simplified U+8BA8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thank ; decline
Pinyin XIE4 Jyutping ze6 On SHA JA Kun AYAMARU WABI KOTOWARU Hangul Korean SA Tang *zià Viet tạ
Simplified U+8C22

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul : 0E Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin tǎo Jyutping tou2 On TOU Kun UTSU TAZUNERU Hangul : 0E Korean THO Tang tɑ̌u Viet thảo
Simplified U+8BA8

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thank ; decline
Pinyin xiè Jyutping ze6 On SHA JA Kun AYAMARU WABI KOTOWARU Hangul : 0E Korean SA Tang *zià Viet tạ
Simplified U+8C22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to collect ( tax , grains ), to draw together ; to contract , to become less flagrant in behavior
Pinyin MENG2 Jyutping mung4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dust , earth ; a bank of earth ; to dig ; to bring together
Pinyin FEN4 Jyutping ban3 fan5 fan6 On HUN HON BON Kun CHIRI HURIKAKERU KAKIMAZERUTSUTSUMI Viet phân

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to collect ( tax , grains ), to draw together ; to contract , to become less flagrant in behavior
Pinyin méng Jyutping mung4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dust , earth ; a bank of earth ; to dig ; to bring together
Pinyin bèn Jyutping ban3 fan5 fan6 On FUN HON BON Kun CHIRI HURIKAKERU KAKIMAZERUTSUTSUMI Viet phân

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dust , earth ; a bank of earth ; to dig ; to bring together
Pinyin BEN4 Jyutping ban3 ban6 On HON BON HUN Kun CHIRI NARABU ATSUMARU WAKUSAMA Hangul Korean PWUN

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷍

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dust , earth ; a bank of earth ; to dig ; to bring together
Pinyin bèn Jyutping ban3 ban6 On HON BON FUN Kun CHIRI NARABU ATSUMARU WAKUSAMA Hangul : 1N Korean PWUN

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷍
Pinyin yìn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition collapse ; landslide
Pinyin TAN1 Jyutping taan1 On TAN TON Hangul Korean TAM

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷎

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition collapse ; landslide
Pinyin tān Jyutping taan1 On TAN TON Hangul : 0N Korean TAM

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷎

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cross-beams of roof
Pinyin HENG2 HANG2 HANG4 Jyutping haang4 hang4 hong4 hong6 On KOU Kun KETA Hangul Korean HANG HYENG Tang hɑ̀ng Viet hành
Variant U+822A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cross-beams of roof
Pinyin héng Jyutping haang4 hang4 hong4 hong6 On KOU Kun KETA Hangul : 0N Korean HANG HYENG Tang hɑ̀ng Viet hành
Variant U+822A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pit , hole ; snare , trap ; crisis
Pinyin KAN3 Jyutping ham1 ham2 On KAN Kun ANA Hangul Korean KAM Tang *kǒm Viet khảm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to blow the nose with fingers
Pinyin XING3 Jyutping sang3 On KOU KYOU Kun HANAOKAMU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pit , hole ; snare , trap ; crisis
Pinyin kǎn Jyutping ham1 ham2 On KAN Kun ANA Hangul : 0N Korean KAM Tang *kǒm Viet khảm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to blow the nose with fingers
Pinyin xǐng Jyutping sang3 On KOU KYOU Kun HANAOKAMU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HENG2 HANG2
Traditional U+9D34

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin héng
Traditional U+9D34

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to roll round with the hand , to rely on , to take or follow (a trail , etc .)
Pinyin TUAN2 Jyutping faa1 tyun4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rotten , spoilt , bad , broken down
Pinyin HUAI4 PI1 PEI2 Jyutping pui1 pui4 On HAI Kun OKA TSUKI Hangul Korean PAY Viet hoại
Traditional U+58DE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to roll round with the hand , to rely on , to take or follow (a trail , etc .)
Pinyin tuán Jyutping faa1 tyun4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rotten , spoilt , bad , broken down
Pinyin huài Jyutping pui1 pui4 On HAI Kun OKA TSUKI Hangul : 1N Korean PAY Viet hoại
Traditional U+58DE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition measure , weigh , judge , consider
Pinyin HENG2 Jyutping hang4 waang4 On KOU Kun HAKARI HAKARU Hangul Korean HYENG HOYNG Tang *hæng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition measure , weigh , judge , consider
Pinyin héng Jyutping hang4 waang4 On KOU Kun HAKARI HAKARU Hangul : 0E Korean HYENG HOYNG Tang *hæng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sit ; seat ; ride , travel by
Pinyin ZUO4 Jyutping co5 zo6 On ZA Kun SUWARU SOZORONI OWASU Hangul Korean CWA Tang *dzhuɑ̀ *dzhuɑ̌
Variant U+5EA7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition drive away , expel , oust
Pinyin LAN3 Jyutping laam5 On RAN Kun TORU Hangul Korean LAM

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sit ; seat ; ride , travel by
Pinyin zuò Jyutping co5 zo6 On ZA Kun SUWARU SOZORONI OWASU Hangul : 0E Korean CWA Tang *dzhuɑ̀ *dzhuɑ̌
Variant U+5EA7

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition drive away , expel , oust
Pinyin lǎn Jyutping laam5 On RAN Kun TORU Hangul : 0N Korean LAM

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fragrant plant the root is medicinal
Pinyin HENG2 Jyutping hang4 On KOU GYOU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a fragrant plant the root is medicinal
Pinyin héng Jyutping hang4 On KOU GYOU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+652C ) to be in possession of ; to grasp , to make selective collection or coverage of ; ( Cant .) actually ; strong
Pinyin LAN3 Jyutping gaam3 laam5 Viet giam
Simplified U+3A2B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as U+652C ) to be in possession of ; to grasp , to make selective collection or coverage of ; ( Cant .) actually ; strong
Pinyin lǎn Jyutping gaam3 laam5 Viet giam
Simplified U+3A2B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pit , hole ; bury , trap ; harry
Pinyin KENG1 Jyutping haang1 On KOU Kun ANA ANANISURU Hangul Korean KAYNG Tang kæng Viet ganh
Variant U+962C

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷏

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pit , hole ; bury , trap ; harry
Pinyin kēng Jyutping haang1 On KOU Kun ANA ANANISURU Hangul : 0N Korean KAYNG Tang kæng Viet ganh
Variant U+962C

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷏

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