Unicode 5.2
Character Definition go to , arrive , been to
Pinyin DAO4 Jyutping dou3 On TOU Kun ITARU Hangul Korean TO Tang *dɑ̀u Viet đáo

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩱲

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition go to , arrive , been to
Pinyin dào Jyutping dou3 On TOU Kun ITARU Hangul : 0E Korean TO Tang *dɑ̀u Viet đáo

Unicode 12.1
Character 𩱲
Pinyin yuè

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to boil ; to wash , to cleanse , to soak
Pinyin YUE4 YAO4 Jyutping joek6 On SEKU YOU Kun HITASU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to boil ; to wash , to cleanse , to soak
Pinyin yuè Jyutping joek6 On SEKU YOU Kun HITASU

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤅢

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤅢

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤄶

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤄶
Pinyin yào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loosen , relax , unstring a bow
Pinyin CHI2 SHI3 Jyutping ci2 ci4 On SHI CHI Kun YURUMU Hangul Korean I

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition loosen , relax , unstring a bow
Pinyin chí Jyutping ci2 ci4 On SHI CHI Kun YURUMU Hangul : 0N Korean I

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition young brother ; junior ; i, me
Pinyin DI4 TI4 Jyutping dai6 tai5 On TEI DAI Kun OTOUTO Hangul Korean CEY Tang *dhěi Viet đệ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition young brother ; junior ; i, me
Pinyin Jyutping dai6 tai5 On TEI DAI Kun OTOUTO Hangul : 0E Korean CEY Tang *dhěi Viet đệ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bright ; fiery
Pinyin YUE4 SHUO4 Jyutping joek6 On YAKU SHAKU Hangul Korean YAK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bright ; fiery
Pinyin yuè Jyutping joek6 On YAKU SHAKU Hangul : 1N Korean YAK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chestnut-leaved oak ; oak
Pinyin LI4 LAO2 YUE4 Jyutping lik1 On REKI ROU Kun KUNUGI Hangul Korean LYEK Viet lác
Simplified U+680E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chestnut-leaved oak ; oak
Pinyin Jyutping lik1 On REKI ROU Kun KUNUGI Hangul : 1N Korean LYEK Viet lác
Simplified U+680E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flute ; pipe , ancient measure
Pinyin YUE4 Jyutping joek6 On YAKU Kun FUE Hangul Korean YAK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flute ; pipe , ancient measure
Pinyin yuè Jyutping joek6 On YAKU Kun FUE Hangul : 1N Korean YAK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plain white silk , to soften and whiten raw silk by boiling
Pinyin YAO4 YUE4 Jyutping zoek6 zoeng2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition plain white silk , to soften and whiten raw silk by boiling
Pinyin yuè Jyutping zoek6 zoeng2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ancient musical instrument

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ancient musical instrument
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping giu2 giu3 On SEKU KYOU KEKI KYAKU Kun UTSURU

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢅹

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢅹
Pinyin yào

Unicode 5.2
Character 𧕋

Unicode 12.1
Character 𧕋
Pinyin yuè

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the part of a bow grasped when shooting
Pinyin BA4 Jyutping baa3 On HA HE Kun YUZUKA TSUKA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the part of a bow grasped when shooting
Pinyin Jyutping baa3 On HA HE Kun YUZUKA TSUKA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bow case ; scabbard ; sheathe
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1 On TOU Kun YUMIBUKURO Hangul Korean TO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bow case ; scabbard ; sheathe
Pinyin tāo Jyutping tou1 On TOU Kun YUMIBUKURO Hangul : 1N Korean TO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition string ; hypotenuse , crescent
Pinyin XIAN2 Jyutping jin4 jyun4 On GEN Kun TSURU Hangul Korean HYEN Tang *hen
Variant U+7D43

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition string ; hypotenuse , crescent
Pinyin xián Jyutping jin4 jyun4 On GEN Kun TSURU Hangul : 0N Korean HYEN Tang *hen
Variant U+7D43

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LI4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yào

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yuè On YAKU Kun HIBARI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition exquisite ; fine
Pinyin YUE4 Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition exquisite ; fine
Pinyin yuè Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤒀

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤒀

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition walking rapidly , ( ancient form of ) to jump ; to leap ; to bound ; to spring
Pinyin LA3 YUE4 Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition walking rapidly , ( ancient form of ) to jump ; to leap ; to bound ; to spring
Pinyin yuè Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition illness ; disease ; ailment
Pinyin YAO4 Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition illness ; disease ; ailment
Pinyin yào Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 5.2
Character 𨷲

Unicode 12.1
Character 𨷲
Pinyin yuè
Simplified U+28E0E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to ascend ; to climb ; to rise , to step on ; totread on ; to walk upon , to pull out ; to uproot , to promote , to jump ; to leap
Pinyin YUE4 Jyutping zoek6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to ascend ; to climb ; to rise , to step on ; to tread on ; to walk upon , to pull out ; to uproot , to promote , to jump ; to leap
Pinyin yuè Jyutping zoek6

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