
JMdict 100319
Reading きつね ; きつ ; けつね ; キツネ
Translation eng fox ( esp . the red fox , Vulpes vulpes ) ; fox (i.e. a sly person ) ; soba or udon topped with deep-fried tofu ; light brown Translation ger {Zool .} Fuchs ; Füchsin ; ( <wiss . N.: Vulpes vulpes> ) ; Fuchsrot ; ( Abk .) ; {Kochk .} Kitsune-Udon ; ( Abk .) Translation fre renard Translation rus лиса
Crossref きつね色 ; 油揚げ

JMdict 100319
Word 油揚げ ; 油揚
Reading あぶらあげ ; あぶらげ
Translation eng fried tofu Translation ger {Kochk .} Aburaage ; frittierter Tôfu

JMdict 200217

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