Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) obscene exclamation
Pinyin DIAO3 Jyutping diu2 On CHOU
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bottle-gourd
Pinyin HU2 Jyutping wu4 On KO Kun NINNIKU FUKUBE HYOUTAN Hangul Korean HO Viet hồ
Variant U+80E1
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition post horse , relay horse
Pinyin RI4 Jyutping jat6 On JITSU NICHI Kun HAYAUMA Hangul Korean IL
Simplified U+9A72
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character 𪉩 Definition variant of U+5869 , salt
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition knit , weave ; arrange ; compile
Pinyin BIAN1 BIAN4 BIAN3 Jyutping pin1 On HEN Kun AMU TOJIITO FUMI Hangul Korean PHYEN PYEN Tang ben Viet biên
Simplified U+7F16
Hong Kong proper shape 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pound , beat , strike ; attack
Pinyin PU1 BU1 Jyutping pok3 On HOKU HAKU HOU HU Kun KARUKUUTSU MUCHIUTSU Hangul Korean POK Viet bốc
Traditional U+64B2
JIS X 0212-1990 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition resist , oppose , defy , reject
Pinyin KANG4 KANG2 Jyutping kong3 On KOU Kun ATARU FUSEGU Hangul Korean HANG Tang kɑ̀ng Viet kháng
GB 12345-90 3125 GB 2312-80 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition forest ; luxuriant vegetation
Pinyin SEN1 Jyutping sam1 On SHIN Kun MORI Hangul Korean SAM Tang *shrim Viet chùm
JIS X 0208-1990 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to seep out , excrete
Pinyin MI4 BI4 Jyutping bat6 bei3 On HITSU HI Kun NAGARERU NIJIMU Hangul Korean PHIL PI
PRC Telegraph Code 3125 Taiwan Telegraph 3125

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of jade
Pinyin XIANG4 On KYOU DOU SHOU Hangul Korean HYANG
GB 7589-87 3125

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shuang1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun ふた ; たぐい ; ならぶ ; ふたつ Nanori Reading Korean ssang Reading Korean
Meaning pair ; set ; comparison ; counter for pairs Meaning fr paire ; ensemble ( groupe d'objets ) ; comparaison ; compteur de paires Meaning es par ; ambos ; contador de pares Meaning pt par ; conjunto ; comparação ; de pares
Dictionary dr_moro 3125

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Kun ほら Nanori とう Reading Korean dong ; tong Reading Korean ;
Meaning den ; cave ; excavation Meaning fr antre ; grotte ; excavation Meaning es cavidad ; hueco ; excavación ; prever Meaning pt gruta ; caverna ; escavação
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3125

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ma2 ; ma1 Reading On マ ; マア Reading Kun あさ Nanori あ ; あざ ; お Reading Korean ma Reading Korean
Meaning hemp ; flax Meaning fr chanvre ; lin Meaning es cáñamo ; lino ; entumecerse Meaning pt cânhamo ; linho
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) obscene exclamation
Pinyin diǎo Jyutping diu2 On CHOU
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bottle-gourd
Pinyin Jyutping wu4 On KO Kun NINNIKU FUKUBE HYOUTAN Hangul : 0N Korean HO Viet hồ
Variant U+80E1
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition post horse , relay horse
Pinyin Jyutping jat6 On JITSU NICHI Kun HAYAUMA Hangul : 0N Korean IL
Simplified U+9A72
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition knit , weave ; arrange ; compile
Pinyin biān Jyutping pin1 On HEN Kun AMU TOJIITO FUMI Hangul : 0E Korean PHYEN PYEN Tang ben Viet biên
Simplified U+7F16
Hong Kong proper shape 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pound , beat , strike ; attack
Pinyin Jyutping pok3 On HOKU HAKU HOU FU Kun KARUKUUTSU MUCHIUTSU Hangul : 1N Korean POK Viet bốc
Traditional U+64B2
JIS X 0212-1990 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition resist , oppose , defy , reject
Pinyin kàng Jyutping kong3 On KOU Kun ATARU FUSEGU Hangul : 0E Korean HANG Tang kɑ̀ng Viet kháng
GB 12345-90 3125 GB 2312-80 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition forest ; luxuriant vegetation
Pinyin sēn Jyutping sam1 On SHIN Kun MORI Hangul : 0N Korean SAM Tang *shrim Viet chùm
JIS X 0208-1990 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to seep out , excrete
Pinyin Jyutping bat6 bei3 On HITSU HI Kun NAGARERU NIJIMU Hangul : 0N : 0N Korean PHIL PI
PRC Telegraph Code 3125 Taiwan Telegraph 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of jade
Pinyin xiàng Jyutping hoeng3 On KYOU DOU SHOU Hangul : 0N Korean HYANG
GB 7589-87 3125

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shuang1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun ふた ; たぐい ; ならぶ ; ふたつ Nanori Reading Korean ssang Reading Korean
Meaning pair ; set ; comparison ; counter for pairs Meaning fr paire ; ensemble ( groupe d'objets ) ; comparaison ; compteur de paires Meaning es par ; ambos ; contador de pares Meaning pt par ; conjunto ; comparação ; de pares
Dictionary dr_moro 3125

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Kun ほら Nanori とう Reading Korean dong ; tong Reading Korean ;
Meaning den ; cave ; excavation Meaning fr antre ; grotte ; excavation Meaning es cavidad ; hueco ; excavación ; prever Meaning pt gruta ; caverna ; escavação
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3125

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ma2 ; ma1 Reading On マ ; マア Reading Kun あさ Nanori あ ; あざ ; お Reading Korean ma Reading Korean
Meaning hemp ; flax ; numb Meaning fr chanvre ; lin Meaning es cáñamo ; lino ; entumecerse Meaning pt cânhamo ; linho
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 3125

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin se4 Reading On シュウ Reading Kun しぶ ; しぶ .い ; しぶ .る
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3125

Unicode 12.1
Character 𪉩 Definition variant of U+5869 , salt
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3125

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HE2

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dense , thick , close-set ; to collect together
Pinyin CUI4 Jyutping seoi6 On SUI SAI Kun ATSUMARU KUSAMURA Hangul Korean CHWEY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dense , thick , close-set ; to collect together
Pinyin cuì Jyutping seoi6 On SUI SAI Kun ATSUMARU KUSAMURA Hangul : 0N Korean CHWEY

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cui4 Reading On スイ ; サイ Reading Kun あつ . まる Reading Korean chwe Reading Korean
Meaning collect ; gather ; assemble

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cui4 Reading On スイ ; サイ Reading Kun あつ . まる Reading Korean chwe Reading Korean
Meaning collect ; gather ; assemble

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grapes
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU DOU Kun BUDOU Hangul Korean TO Tang dhɑu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grapes
Pinyin táo Jyutping tou4 On TOU DOU Kun BUDOU Hangul : 0N Korean TO Tang dhɑu

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tao2 Reading On ドウ ; トウ Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning grape vine ; wild grape

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tao2 Reading On ドウ ; トウ Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning grape vine ; wild grape

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spring ; wanton
Variant U+6625

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spring ; wanton
Pinyin chūn Jyutping ceon1 On SHUN Kun HARU Korean CHWUN
Variant U+6625

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the castor-oil plant also used for other plants
Pinyin PI4 BI4 BEI1 BA2 Jyutping bei1 On HI HEI HATSU BACHI Hangul Korean PI
Variant U+853D

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bei1 ; bi4 Reading On ヒ ; ヘイ ; ハツ ; バチ Reading Korean bi
Meaning the castor-oil plant ( also used for other plants )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the castor-oil plant also used for other plants
Pinyin Jyutping bei1 On HI HEI HATSU BACHI Hangul : 1N Korean PI
Variant U+853D

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bei1 ; bi4 Reading On ヒ ; ヘイ ; ハツ ; バチ Reading Korean bi
Meaning the castor-oil plant ( also used for other plants )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition averrhora carambola ; surname
Pinyin CHANG2 Jyutping coeng4 On CHOU Hangul Korean CANG
Simplified U+82CC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition averrhora carambola ; surname
Pinyin cháng Jyutping coeng4 On CHOU Hangul : 1N Korean CANG
Simplified U+82CC

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chang2 Reading On チョウ Reading Korean jang Reading Korean
Meaning type of plant

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chang2 Reading On チョウ Reading Korean jang Reading Korean
Meaning type of plant

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HUAN2

Records 1 - 50 of 51 retrieved in 520 ms