Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large tie-beams
Pinyin DUO4 TUO2 TUO3 Jyutping to4 to5 On TA DA Kun KAJI Hangul Korean THA Viet
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition in ancient times ; to separated ( to rip of ; to cut open ) the contract or agreement on slips of bamboo and give to both parties as evidence
Pinyin BI3 BIE2 Jyutping baat1 bit6 but6
KPS 10721-2000 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition equal
Pinyin MOU2 Jyutping mau4 On BOU MU Kun HITOSHII SOROU SHITAGAU TSUTOMERU TORU HAKARU Hangul Korean MO Tang miou Viet mầu
KS X 1002:1991 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the throat ; to quarrel , choke
Pinyin YI4 AI4 Jyutping aai3 jik1 On EKI YAKU AKU AI EI Kun NODO Korean I AYK
GB 12345-90 6441 GB 2312-80 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lion ; wild beast ; wild horse
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping ngai4 On GEI Hangul Korean YEY Tang ngei Viet nghê
JIS X 0208-1990 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition meditation , contemplation ( dhyana ); to level ground for altar ; abdicate
Pinyin CHAN2 SHAN4 TAN2 Jyutping sim3 sim4 sin4 sin6 On ZEN SEN Kun YUZURU SHIZUKA Hangul Korean SEN Tang *zhiɛn zhiɛ̀n
Simplified U+7985
KS X 1001:1992 6441

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHE4
GB 7589-87 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curled , coiled
Pinyin QUAN2 Jyutping kyun4 On KEN GEN Kun KAGAMU
PRC Telegraph Code 6441 Taiwan Telegraph 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pass ; to step over ; to creep ; to twine round
Pinyin LAN2 Jyutping laan1 laan4 On RAN TAN DAN Kun KOERU
JIS X 0212-1990 6441

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to press with the hand
Pinyin EN4 Jyutping on3
Unicode Code Point 6441

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shan3 Reading On キョウ ; コウ Reading Kun せま .い Reading Korean hyeob ; hab Reading Korean ;
Meaning narrow
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6441

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ya4 Reading On Reading Kun あいむこ ; こしもと
Meaning mutual term of address
Dictionary dr_moro 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition large tie-beams
Pinyin duò Jyutping to4 to5 On TA DA Kun KAJI Hangul : 1N Korean THA Viet
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition in ancient times ; to separated ( to rip of ; to cut open ) the contract or agreement on slips of bamboo and give to both parties as evidence
Pinyin bié Jyutping baat1 bit6 but6
KPS 10721-2000 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition equal
Pinyin móu Jyutping mau4 On BOU MU Kun HITOSHII SOROU SHITAGAU TSUTOMERU TORU HAKARU Hangul : 1N Korean MO Tang miou Viet mầu
KS X 1002:1991 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the throat ; to quarrel , choke
Pinyin ài Jyutping aai3 jik1 On EKI YAKU AKU AI EI Kun NODO Korean I AYK
GB 12345-90 6441 GB 2312-80 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lion ; wild beast ; wild horse
Pinyin Jyutping ngai4 On GEI Hangul : 0N Korean YEY Tang ngei Viet nghê
JIS X 0208-1990 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition meditation , contemplation ( dhyana ); to level ground for altar ; abdicate
Pinyin chán Jyutping sim3 sim4 sin4 sin6 On ZEN SEN Kun YUZURU SHIZUKA Hangul : 0E Korean SEN Tang *zhiɛn zhiɛ̀n
Simplified U+7985
KS X 1001:1992 6441

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chè
GB 7589-87 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition curled , coiled
Pinyin quán Jyutping kyun4 On KEN GEN Kun KAGAMU
PRC Telegraph Code 6441 Taiwan Telegraph 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pass ; to step over ; to creep ; to twine round
Pinyin lán Jyutping laan1 laan4 On RAN TAN DAN Kun KOERU
Simplified U+2816C
JIS X 0212-1990 6441

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to press with the hand
Pinyin èn Jyutping on3
Unicode Code Point 6441

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shan3 Reading On キョウ ; コウ Reading Kun せま .い Reading Korean hyeob ; hab Reading Korean ;
Meaning narrow
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6441

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ya4 Reading On Reading Kun あいむこ ; こしもと
Meaning mutual term of address
Dictionary dr_moro 6441

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