JMdict 100319
Word 尖部
Reading せんぶ
Translation eng apex

JMdict 100319
Word 天辺
Reading てっぺん
Translation eng top ; summit ; apex ; scalp Translation ger Spitze ; Gipfel ; Scheitel Translation fre cime ; faîte ; sommet

JMdict 100319
Word 肺尖
Reading はいせん
Translation eng pulmonary apex ; apex of a lung Translation ger {Anat .} Lungenspitze

JMdict 100319
Word 栄華の極み
Reading えいがのきわみ
Translation eng apex of prosperity

JMdict 100319
Word 殻頂
Reading かくちょう
Translation eng apex of a shell ; umbo

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin feng1
Variant , peak
English summit ; apex ; hump of a camel

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji2
English ridge ; crest ; apex

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 頂尖 Simplified 顶尖
Pinyin ding3 jian1
English peak ; apex ; world best ; number one ; finest ( competitors ) ; top ( figures in a certain field )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 頂尖兒 Simplified 顶尖儿
Pinyin ding3 jian1 r5
English erhua variant of 頂尖 | 顶尖 ; peak ; apex ; world best ; number one ; finest ( competitors ) ; top ( figures in a certain field )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 頂部 Simplified 顶部
Pinyin ding3 bu4
English roof ; topmost part ; top ( of tree , wall etc ) ; apex

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dian1
English top ( of the head ) ; apex ; to fall forwards ; inverted ; to jolt

JMdict 200217
Word 先端 ; 尖端
Reading せんたん
Translation dut tip ; ( puntig ) uiteinde ; spits ; punt ( je ) ; top ( je ) ; piek ; spits ; voorhoede {fig .} ; {loc . ; perl .} voorop ; geavanceerd (e) {attr .} ; speerpunt- {attr .} ; toonaangevend (e) ~ {attr .} ; hoogontwikkeld (e) ~ {attr .} ; state-of-the-art ~ {attr .} Translation hun elülső vége ; hegye vminek ; vége vminek ; vminek a hegye Translation spa vanguardia
Translation eng pointed end ; tip ; point ; cusp ( of a leaf , crescent moon , etc .) ; apex ( of a curve ) ; forefront ; vanguard ; spearhead ; leading edge Translation ger Spitze ; vorderste Reihe ( einer Entwicklung , Mode etc .) Translation fre bout ; de pointe ; extrémité ; pointe Translation rus 1) кончик ; остриё ; 2) авангард ; ультрасовременный ; самоновейший {~的}

JMdict 200217
Word 尖部
Reading せんぶ
Translation hun csúcs ; csúcspont ; tetőpont Translation swe toppunkt
Translation eng apex

JMdict 200217
Word 天辺 ; 頂辺
Reading てっぺん ; てへん ; てっぺい
Translation dut top ; hoogste punt ; bovenste gedeelte ; kruin {頭の} Translation hun csúcs ; első ; felszín ; legjobb ; legmagasabb pont ; legmagasabb ; legnagyobb fokú ; maximális ; orom ; tető ; csúcspont ; tetőpont Translation slv vrh ; vrhunec ; konica Translation spa cima ; cumbre ; cresta
Translation eng top ; summit ; apex ; peak ; twelve o'clock ( usu . midnight ) ; top of one's head ; top of a helmet ; ( top of ) scalp ; crown Translation ger Spitze ; Gipfel ; Scheitel Translation fre cime ; faîte ; sommet Translation rus вершина ; верхушка

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 栄華の極み
Reading えいがのきわみ
Translation spa cima ( cumbre ) de la prosperidad
Translation eng apex of prosperity

JMdict 200217
Word 殻頂
Reading かくちょう
Translation eng apex of a shell ; umbo Translation ger Umbo ; Schalenwirbel ; Schalenbuckel ( bei Muscheln )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji2
English ridge ; crest ; apex

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 巔峰 Simplified 巅峰
Pinyin dian1 feng1
English summit ; apex ; pinnacle ( of one's career etc ) ; peak ( of a civilization etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 頂尖 Simplified 顶尖
Pinyin ding3 jian1
English peak ; apex ; world best ; number one ; finest ( competitors ) ; top ( figures in a certain field )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 頂部 Simplified 顶部
Pinyin ding3 bu4
English roof ; topmost part ; top ( of tree , wall etc ) ; apex

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dian1
English top ( of the head ) ; apex ; to fall forwards ; inverted ; to jolt

CC-CEDict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 肺尖
Reading はいせん
Translation eng pulmonary apex ; apex of a lung Translation ger Lungenspitze ; Apex pulmonis Translation rus верхушки лёгких

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