JMdict 100319
Reading コンテ
Translation eng continuity ( esp . in film-making ) ; var . kind of lead pencil Translation ger Conté ; ( Art Buntstift für Design und Skizzen ; aus d. Franz .) Source Language fre conte ; conte

JMdict 100319
Reading コント
Translation eng tale ; short story ; comic or light-hearted short play Translation ger Kurzgeschichte ; {Theat .} kurzes Theaterstück . Source Language fre conte

JMdict 100319
Word 物語
Reading ものがたり
Translation eng tale ; story ; legend Translation ger Geschichte ; Erzählung ; Schilderung ; Legende ; Märchen ; Sage ; Fabel ; Roman ; Fiction ; erzählende Literatur ; Episode Translation fre conte ; dit ; histoire ; légende Translation rus история ; легенда

JMdict 100319
Word 民話
Reading みんわ
Translation eng folklore Translation ger Volksmärchen ; Volkssage Translation fre conte populaire

JMdict 100319
Word 掌編 ; 小編
Reading しょうへん
Translation eng conte ; ( very ) short story or article Translation ger kurzer Roman ; kurzes Stück ; kurze Geschichte ; kurzer Text

JMnedict 100319
Reading コンテ Romaji Conte

JMnedict 100319
Reading コント Romaji Comte ; Conte

JMdict 200217
Reading コント
Translation dut verhaal ; vertelsel ; vertelling ; komisch verhalend toneelstukje ; Comte ; Auguste {Frans wijsgeer ; 1798-1857} Translation hun mese
Translation eng tale ; short story ; sketch comedy ; skit Translation ger Conte ; Kurzgeschichte ; kurzes Theaterstück ; parodistischer Sketch ; Auguste Comte ( franz . Philosoph ; 1798-1857 ) Source Language fre conte Translation rus (( фр .) conte ) рассказ {короткий}

JMdict 200217
Word 童話
Reading どうわ
Translation dut kinderverhaal ; kindersprookje ; kindervertelling ; kindervertelsel ; jeugdverhaal ; sprookje Translation hun tündérmese Translation slv pravljica ; zgodba za otroke Translation spa cuento de hadas Translation swe saga
Translation eng children's story ; fairy tale Translation ger Märchen Translation fre conte de fée ; conte pour enfants Translation rus рассказ для малышей , сказка

JMdict 200217
Word 掌編 ; 掌篇 ; 小編 ; 小篇
Reading しょうへん
Translation swe novell
Translation eng ( very ) short story or article ; short short story ; conté Translation ger kurze Novelle ; kurze Kurzgeschichte ; kurzer Roman ; kurzes Stück ; kurze Geschichte ; kurzer Text Translation rus ( лит .) новелла

JMnedict 200217
Reading コンテ Romaji Conte

JMnedict 200217
Reading コント Romaji Comte ; Conte

JMdict 200217
Word 民話
Reading みんわ
Translation dut volksverhaal ; volkssprookje ; sprookje ; sage Translation slv folklora Translation spa folklore Translation swe folklore
Translation eng folk tale ; folktale ; folk story ; folklore Translation ger Volksmärchen ; Volkssage Translation fre conte populaire

JMdict 200217
Word 月見
Reading つきみ
Translation dut het bekijken ; schouwen van de maan Translation slv ogledovanje lune Translation spa contemplación ( de la luna )
Translation eng viewing the Moon Translation ger Mondschau Translation fre regarder la lune Translation rus любование луной ; любоваться луной {~をする}

JMdict 200217
Word 眺め
Reading ながめ
Translation dut uitzicht ; zicht ; gezicht ; vergezicht ; aanblik Translation hun színhely ; színtér ; kilátás ; érclelőhely ; esetleges jelölt ; lehetséges fél ; lehetséges üzletfél ; lehetséges vevő ; távlat ; remény Translation slv razgled Translation spa vista ; paisaje ; panorama ; contemplación
Translation eng scene ; view ; prospect ; outlook Translation ger Aussicht ; Sicht ; Ausblick ; Blick ; Panorama ; Prospekt ; Landschaft Translation fre scène ; vue ; perspective Translation rus вид

CEDict 100318
Traditional 沉思 Simplified 沉思
Pinyin chen2 si1
English contemplate ; contemplation ; meditation ; ponder

JMdict 100319
Word 観仏
Reading かんぶつ
Translation eng contemplating Buddha

JMdict 200217
Word 観仏
Reading かんぶつ
Translation eng contemplating Buddha

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 黙考
Reading もっこう
Translation eng contemplation ; meditation Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Nachdenken ; Nachsinnen ; Vertiefung in Gedanken ; Meditation

JMdict 100319
Word 瞑想 ; 冥想 ; めい想
Reading めいそう
Translation eng meditation ; contemplation Translation ger Meditation ; Kontemplation Translation fre méditation

JMdict 100319
Word 沈潜
Reading ちんせん
Translation eng sinking into deep thought ; sinking to the depths ; contemplation Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; tiefes Nachdenken ; Vertiefung

JMdict 100319
Word 観照
Reading かんしょう
Translation eng meditation ; contemplation Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Anschauen ; Meditation ; Kontemplation

JMdict 100319
Word 観想
Reading かんそう
Translation eng meditation ; contemplation Translation ger {Buddh .} Kontemplation ; Meditation ; {Philos .} Kontemplation ; Betrachtung

JMdict 100319
Word 有念
Reading うねん
Translation eng contemplation on concrete , tangible things
Crossref 無念

CEDict 100318
Traditional 瞑想 Simplified 瞑想
Pinyin ming2 xiang3
English to muse ; to think deeply ; contemplation ; meditation

JMdict 200217
Word 観想
Reading かんそう
Translation hun elmélkedés ; szemlélődés
Translation eng meditation ; contemplation Translation ger Kontemplation ; Meditation ; Kontemplation ; Betrachtung Translation rus ( кн .) наблюдение , созерцание

JMdict 200217
Word 有念
Reading うねん
Translation eng contemplation on concrete , tangible things
Crossref 無念・2

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 沉思 Simplified 沉思
Pinyin chen2 si1
English to contemplate ; to ponder ; contemplation ; meditation

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 瞑想 Simplified 瞑想
Pinyin ming2 xiang3
English to muse ; to think deeply ; contemplation ; meditation

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 靜修 Simplified 静修
Pinyin jing4 xiu1
English contemplation ; meditation

JMdict 200217
Word 事観
Reading じかん
Translation eng contemplation of phenomena
Crossref 理觀

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