Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wren ; the tailorbird , a kind of small bird
Jyutping hyun1 kwaan2
Cangjie Input Code JMHAF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fabulous night-bird , grotesque monster
Pinyin KONG1 On KOU KU Kun NUE
Cangjie Input Code JMHAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wren ; the tailorbird , a kind of small bird
Pinyin xuān Jyutping hyun1 kwaan2
Cangjie Input Code JMHAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a fabulous night-bird , grotesque monster
Pinyin kōng Jyutping hung1 On KOU KU Kun NUE
Cangjie Input Code JMHAF

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