JMdict 200217
Word 地帯
Reading ちたい
Translation dut zone ; gordel ; streek ; gebied ; strook Translation hun éghajlati öv ; égöv ; földöv ; öv ; övezet Translation spa zona
Translation eng area ; zone ; belt ( of land ) Translation ger Zone ; Gebiet ; Region ; Klimazone Translation fre région ; aire ; zone ; ceinture ( géographique ) Translation rus район , зона , пояс , полоса

JMdict 200217
Word 気候帯
Reading きこうたい
Translation dut klimaatgordel ; klimaatzone ; luchtstreek Translation spa franja climática
Translation eng climatic zone Translation ger Klimazone

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 氣候帶 Simplified 气候带
Pinyin qi4 hou4 dai4
Deutsch Klimazone (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 氣候帶 Simplified 气候带
Pinyin qi4 hou4 dai4
Deutsch Klimazone (S)

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