JMdict 100319
Word 公言
Reading こうげん
Translation eng declaration ; profession Translation ger öffentliche Erklärung Translation fre déclaration publique

JMdict 100319
Word 口前
Reading くちまえ
Translation eng way of speaking ; profession Translation ger Sprechweise

JMdict 100319
Word 職業
Reading しょくぎょう
Translation eng occupation ; business Translation ger Beruf ; Gewerbe ; Profession ; Stelle ; Arbeit Translation fre profession Translation rus заня́тие ; профе́ссия

JMdict 100319
Word 信仰告白
Reading しんこうこくはく
Translation eng profession of faith Translation ger Glaubensbekenntnis

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word その道
Reading そのみち
Translation eng line ( of business ) ; profession ; trade Translation ger Gebiet ; Gewerbe ; Kunst ; ( übertr .) ; etwas , das mit Liebe zu tun hat ; etw . Leidenschaftliches

JMdict 100319
Reading プロフェッション
Translation eng profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional 業務 Simplified 业务
Pinyin ye4 wu4
English business ; profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional 職業 Simplified 职业
Pinyin zhi2 ye4
English occupation ; profession ; vocation ; professional

JMdict 200217
Word 口前
Reading くちまえ
Translation hun élethivatás ; szerzetesi fogadalom
Translation eng way of speaking ; profession Translation ger Sprechweise Translation rus ( разг .) манера говорить

JMdict 200217
Word 仕事
Reading しごと
Translation dut werk ; arbeid ; karwei ; klus ; taak ; affaire ; zaak ; opgave ; bezigheid ; werkzaamheid ; werk ; baan ; job ; beroep ; betrekking ; emplooi ; {nat . ; techn .} arbeid Translation hun dolog ; elfoglaltság ; munka ; tevékenység ; foglalkozás Translation slv delo ; delo ; posel Translation spa trabajo ; empleo ; ocupación Translation swe arbete ; jobb
Translation eng work ; job ; business ; occupation ; employment ; vocation ; task ; work Translation ger arbeiten ; Arbeit ; Beruf ; Beschäftigung ; Geschäft ; Arbeit ( Produkt aus Kraft mal Weg ; Zeichen : W) ; Näharbeit ; Handlung ; Tat ; Untat ( shi ist Renyō・kei von suru ; ist Ateji ) Translation fre travail ; emploi ; affaires ; occupation ; profession ; tâche ; travail Translation rus работать ; работа ; занятие , дело ; работать {~する}

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 職業 Simplified 职业
Pinyin zhi2 ye4
English occupation ; profession ; vocation ; professional

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hang2
English row ; line ; commercial firm ; line of business ; profession ; to rank ( first , second etc ) among one's siblings ( by age ) ; ( in data tables ) row ; ( Tw ) column

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 自由職業 Simplified 自由职业
Pinyin zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4
English self-employed ; profession

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong1
English work ; worker ; skill ; profession ; trade ; craft ; labor

JMdict 200217
Word 信仰告白
Reading しんこうこくはく
Translation dut geloofsbelijdenis {rel .} ; belijdenis ; confessie Translation hun hitvallás
Translation eng profession of faith Translation ger Glaubensbekenntnis ( insbes . im protestantischen Glauben )

JMdict 200217
Word 産業
Reading さんぎょう
Translation dut nijverheid ; bedrijf ; industrie Translation hun iparág ; szorgalom Translation spa industria Translation swe industri
Translation eng industry ; livelihood ; occupation Translation ger industriell ; wirtschaftlich ; Industrie ; Gewerbe Translation fre industrie ; gagne-pain ; moyen d'existence ; occupation ; profession Translation rus промышленность , индустрия ; производство

JMdict 200217
Word 稼業
Reading かぎょう
Translation dut beroep ; werk ; vak ; beroepsbezigheid ; baan ; job ; stiel ; metier Translation hun foglalkozás ; forgalom ; ipar ; kereskedelem ; mesterség ; szakma ; betöltés
Translation eng trade ; business ; occupation ; profession ; job Translation ger Beruf ; Gewerbe ; Geschäft ; Erwerbstätigkeit Translation fre commerce ; négoce ; occupation ; travail

JMdict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hang2
English a row ; series ; age order ( of brothers ) ; profession ; professional ; relating to company

CEDict 100318
Traditional 自由職業 Simplified 自由职业
Pinyin zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4
English self-employed ; profession

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong1
English work ; worker ; skill ; profession ; trade ; craft ; labor

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Reading プロフェッション
Translation spa profesión
Translation eng profession

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition profession , business ; GB radical 111
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping jip6
Traditional U+696D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition profession , business , trade
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping jip6 On GYOU GOU Kun WAZA SUDENI Hangul Korean EP Tang *ngiæp Viet nghiệp
Simplified U+4E1A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition profession , business ; GB radical 111
Pinyin Jyutping jip6
Traditional U+696D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition profession , business , trade
Pinyin Jyutping jip6 On GYOU GOU Kun WAZA SUDENI Hangul : 0E Korean EP Tang *ngiæp Viet nghiệp
Simplified U+4E1A

JMdict 100319
Reading プロ
Translation eng professional Translation ger Profi ; Professionell ; Produktion ; Herstellung ; Studio ; Produzent ; Produktionsfirma ; Propaganda ; Programm ; Proletarier ; Prozent . ; ( Abk .) Translation fre professionnel

Reading プロフェッショナル
Translation eng professional Translation ger Profi ; Professioneller

JMdict 100319
Reading プロレス
Translation eng professional wrestling Translation ger {Sport} Profi-Catchen ; Profi-Ringen
Crossref プロレスリング

JMdict 100319
Reading プロレスリング
Translation eng professional wrestling

JMdict 100319
Word 殺し屋
Reading ころしや
Translation eng professional killer ; hit man Translation ger Auftragskiller ; Killer ; gedungener Mörder

JMdict 100319
Word 職務
Reading しょくむ
Translation eng professional duties Translation ger Beruf ; Arbeit ; Dienst ; Dienstpflicht Translation fre charge ; devoir ; fonction ; service

JMdict 100319
Word 専門的
Reading せんもんてき
Translation eng technical (e.g. discussion ) ; exclusive ; professional Translation ger fachlich ; fachgemäß

JMdict 100319

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