JMdict 100319
Word 深淵
Reading しんえん
Translation eng abyss ; ravine Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Abgrund ; Tiefe

JMdict 100319
Word ; ; ;
Reading ふち
Translation eng deep pool ; abyss ; the depths Translation ger Abgrund ; Tiefe ; Schlucht ; Untiefe

JMdict 100319
Word 深潭
Reading しんたん
Translation eng abyss Translation ger Abgrund

CEDict 100318
Traditional 九淵 Simplified 九渊
Pinyin jiu3 yuan1
English abyss ; deep chasm

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旋淵 Simplified 旋渊
Pinyin xuan2 yuan1
English abyss

CEDict 100318
Traditional 水深火熱 Simplified 水深火热
Pinyin shui3 shen1 huo3 re4
English deep water and scorching fire ; abyss of suffering ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深淵 Simplified 深渊
Pinyin shen1 yuan1
English abyss

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深潭 Simplified 深潭
Pinyin shen1 tan2
English deep natural pond ; deep pit ; abyss

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深處 Simplified 深处
Pinyin shen1 chu4
English abyss ; depths ; deepest or most distant part

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yuan1
English abyss

CEDict 100318
Traditional 淵海 Simplified 渊海
Pinyin yuan1 hai3
English abyss of ocean ; vast and profound ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yuan1
Variant |
English abyss ; used in Japanese names with phonetic value fuchi or buchi

CEDict 100318
Traditional 潭府 Simplified 潭府
Pinyin tan2 fu3
English abyss ; imposing dwellings and spacious courtyard ; your residence ; deep pool

CEDict 100318
Traditional 苦海 Simplified 苦海
Pinyin ku3 hai3
English lit . sea of bitterness ; abyss of worldly suffering ( Buddhist term ) ; depths of misery

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yuan1 Reading On エン ; カク ; コウ Reading Kun ふち ; かた .い ; はなわ Reading Korean yeon Reading Korean
Meaning abyss ; edge ; deep pool ; the depths Meaning es abismo ; profundidades ( mar ; río )

JMdict 200217
Word 深淵
Reading しんえん
Translation dut fig .} diepte {ook ; afgrond ; dieperik {Belg .N.} Translation hun szakadék
Translation eng abyss ; ravine Translation ger Abgrund ; Tiefe ; Abyssus Translation rus ( кн .) бездна , пучина

JMdict 200217
Word ; ; ;
Reading ふち
Translation dut diep water ; geul ; afgrond {fig .} ; peilloze diepte {fig .} Translation hun végtelen idő ; végtelen mélység Translation spa estanque profundo ; abismo ; profundidades
Translation eng deep pool ; deep water ; abyss ; depths (e.g. of despair , etc .) ; grip (e.g. of death ) Translation ger Abgrund ; Tiefe ; Schlucht ; Untiefe ; Tiefe ; Abgrund ; schwierige Lage ; Rand ; Obuchi-Fraktion ( Abk .) Translation rus пучина ; бездна , пропасть
Crossref 瀬・1

JMdict 200217
Word 深潭
Reading しんたん
Translation hun végtelen idő ; végtelen mélység Translation swe avgrund
Translation eng abyss Translation ger Abgrund Translation rus ( кн . см .) しんえん【深淵】

JMdict 200217
Word 奈落の底
Reading ならくのそこ
Translation hun végtelen idő ; végtelen mélység Translation swe avgrund
Translation eng abyss Translation ger Abgrund

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yuan1 Reading On エン ; カク ; コウ Reading Kun ふち ; かた .い ; はなわ Reading Korean yeon Reading Korean
Meaning abyss ; edge ; deep pool ; the depths Meaning es abismo ; profundidades ( mar ; río )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 九淵 Simplified 九渊
Pinyin jiu3 yuan1
English abyss ; deep chasm

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yun1
English deep and broad ( expanse of water ) ; abyss

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深淵 Simplified 深渊
Pinyin shen1 yuan1
English abyss

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深潭 Simplified 深潭
Pinyin shen1 tan2
English deep natural pond ; deep pit ; abyss

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深處 Simplified 深处
Pinyin shen1 chu4
English abyss ; depths ; deepest or most distant part

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 潭府 Simplified 潭府
Pinyin tan2 fu3
English abyss ; imposing dwellings and spacious courtyard ; your residence ; deep pool

JMdict 200217
Word 淵底
Reading えんてい
Translation spa fondo ; profundidad
Translation eng bottom depths ( of water ) ; abyss ; depths ( of something ) ; bottom ; completely ; thoroughly ; fully Translation ger Tiefe ; Tiefgang ( auch übertr .)

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 水深火熱 Simplified 水深火热
Pinyin shui3 shen1 huo3 re4
English deep water and scorching fire ; abyss of suffering ( idiom )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 旋淵 Simplified 旋渊
Pinyin xuan2 yuan1
English abyss

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yun1
English deep and broad ( expanse of water ) ; abyss

JMdict 100319
Word 奈落の底
Reading ならくのそこ
Translation eng abyss Translation ger Abgrund

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 苦海 Simplified 苦海
Pinyin ku3 hai3
English lit . sea of bitterness ; abyss of worldly suffering ( Buddhist term ) ; depths of misery

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深成岩 Simplified 深成岩
Pinyin shen1 cheng2 yan2
English plutonic rock ; abyssal rock

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 深海平原 Simplified 深海平原
Pinyin shen1 hai3 ping2 yuan2
Deutsch Abyssal (u.E.)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深成岩 Simplified 深成岩
Pinyin shen1 cheng2 yan2
English plutonic rock ; abyssal rock

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 深海平原 Simplified 深海平原
Pinyin shen1 hai3 ping2 yuan2
Deutsch Abyssal

JMdict 200217
Word 深海平原
Reading しんかいへいげん
Translation spa llanura abisal
Translation eng abyssal plain (2, 200-5 , 500m )

JMnedict 100319
Reading アビシニア Romaji Abyssinia

JMdict 200217
Word 亜皮西尼
Reading アビシニア
Translation dut Abessinië
Translation eng Abyssinia ( Empire of Ethiopia , 980 BCE to 1974 CE ) Translation ger Abessinien ( alter Name von Äthiopien )

JMnedict 200217
Reading アビシニア Romaji Abyssinia

CEDict 100318
Traditional 阿比西尼亞 Simplified 阿比西尼亚
Pinyin A1 bi3 xi1 ni2 ya4
English Abyssinia , historical name of Ethiopia

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