JMdict 100319
Reading アフォルズム
Translation eng aphorism Translation rus афоризм

JMdict 100319
Word 格言
Reading かくげん
Translation eng aphorism Translation ger Spruch ; Sprichwort ; Denkspruch ; geflügeltes Wort ; Maxime ; Aphorismus

JMdict 100319
Word 警句
Reading けいく
Translation eng aphorism Translation ger geistreiche Bemerkung ; Bonmot ; Epigramm ; Aphorismus

JMdict 100319
Word 名文句
Reading めいもんく
Translation eng witty ( happy , apt ) remark ; well-worded saying ; epigram ; aphorism Translation ger kluge Bemerkung ; Bonmot

JMdict 100319
Word 金言名句
Reading きんげんめいく
Translation eng golden ( wise ) saying ; aphorism ; maxim

JMdict 100319
Reading アフォリズム
Translation eng aphorism

CEDict 100318
Traditional 警句 Simplified 警句
Pinyin jing3 ju4
English aphorism

JMdict 200217
Reading アフォリズム ; アフォルズム
Translation dut aforisme Translation swe aforism
Translation eng aphorism Translation ger Aphorismus Translation rus (( англ .) aphorism ) афоризм , изречение , максима ; афоризм
Crossref 警句

JMdict 200217
Word 格言
Reading かくげん
Translation dut spreuk ; gezegde ; spreekwijs ; spreekwijze ; maxime ; sententie ; kernspreuk ; spreekwoord Translation spa proverbio ; máxima Translation swe aforism
Translation eng saying ; maxim ; aphorism ; proverb Translation ger Spruch ; Sprichwort ; Denkspruch ; geflügeltes Wort ; Maxime ; Aphorismus Translation rus пословица , поговорка ; афоризм

JMdict 200217
Reading ことわざ
Translation dut spreekwoord ; proverbium ; adagium ; spreuk ; kernspreuk Translation hun aforizma ; életelv Translation slv rek Translation spa proverbio ; dicho
Translation eng proverb ; saying ; aphorism ; maxim Translation ger Sprichwort ; Spruch ; Sinnspruch ; Maxime Translation fre maxime ; proverbe Translation rus поговорка ; пословица ; изречение , афоризм

JMdict 200217
Word 成句
Reading せいく
Translation hun idiomatizmus ; szólásmód
Translation eng idiom ; set phrase ; idiomatic phrase ; proverb ; saying ; quote ; aphorism Translation ger Redensart ; Idiom ; idiomatische Phrase Translation fre locution Translation rus устойчивое ( идиоматическое ) выражение

JMdict 200217
Word 箴言
Reading しんげん
Translation dut ( het boek ) Spreuken {bijb .} ; de Vulgaat} Proverbia {in ; Spr . {afk .} ; Prov . {afk .} Translation hun aforizma ; életelv Translation spa aforismo ; dicho ; sentencia ; cita breve
Translation eng proverb ; maxim ; aphorism ; Proverbs ( book of the Bible ) Translation ger Maxime ; Aphorismus ; Spruch ; Sprüche Salomos ; Sprüche Salomonis ; Proverbia Translation rus ( кн .) афоризм ; изречение

JMdict 200217
Word 名文句
Reading めいもんく
Translation hun epigramma
Translation eng witty ( happy , apt ) remark ; well-worded saying ; epigram ; aphorism Translation ger kluge Bemerkung ; Bonmot

JMdict 200217
Word 金言名句
Reading きんげんめいく
Translation hun alapelv ; mondás
Translation eng golden ( wise ) saying ; aphorism ; maxim

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 警句 Simplified 警句
Pinyin jing3 ju4
English aphorism

JMdict 100319
Word 箴言
Reading しんげん
Translation eng proverb ; maxim ; Proverbs ( book of the Bible ) Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Maxime ; Aphorismus ; Spruch \\ ; {Bibel} Sprüche Salomos

JMdict 100319
Word 寸言
Reading すんげん
Translation eng pithy or short and witty remark ; wisecrack Translation ger Epigramm ; Aphorismus ; pointierter Spruch

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 格言 Simplified 格言
Pinyin ge2 yan2
Deutsch Aphorismus (u.E.) (S, Sprachw ) ; Motto (u.E.)

JMdict 200217
Word 寸言
Reading すんげん
Translation hun aranyköpés
Translation eng pithy or short and witty remark ; wisecrack Translation ger Sinnspruch ; pointierter Spruch ; Epigramm ; Aphorismus Translation rus изречение , афоризм

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 格言 Simplified 格言
Pinyin ge2 yan2
Deutsch Aphorismus (S, Sprachw ) ; Motto

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