JMdict 100319
Word この辺 ; 此の辺
Reading このへん
Translation eng this area ; around here Translation ger diese Gegend ; hier ; dieses Mal

JMdict 100319
Word 其処ら
Reading そこら
Translation eng everywhere ; somewhere ; approximately ; that area ; around there Translation ger ungefähr dort ; in dieser Gegend ; ungefähr ; um ; oder so

JMdict 100319
Reading アラウンド
Translation eng around

JMdict 100319
Word 口辺に
Reading こうへんに
Translation eng around the mouth Translation ger um den Mund

JMdict 100319
Word 四六時中
Reading しろくじちゅう
Translation eng around the clock ; day and night ( Note : 4 x 6 = 24 ) Translation ger Tag und Nacht ; 24 Stunden ; ganze Tag ; ( viermal sechs Stunden )

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 身辺
Reading しんぺん
Translation eng one's person ; around one's person Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; jmds . Umgebung ; jmds . Leben

JMdict 100319
Word 分別盛り
Reading ふんべつざかり
Translation eng the age of wisdom ; around forty Translation ger gesetztes Alter ; ( um die vierzig )

JMdict 100319
Reading ころ ; ごろ
Translation eng ( approximate ) time ; around ; about ; toward ; suitable time ( or condition ) ; time of year ; season Translation ger um die Zeit , zu der ... Translation fre aux alentours de ( heure ) ; environ Translation rus вре́мя ; пери́од
Crossref 食べ頃

JMdict 100319
Word 此処等 ; 此処ら ; 此所ら
Reading ここら
Translation eng hereabouts ; around here

JMdict 100319
Word 巷間
Reading こうかん
Translation eng on the street ; around town ; the world ; the public Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Öffentlichkeit ; Welt ; Allgemeinheit ; Straße

JMdict 100319
Word 胸回り
Reading むねまわり
Translation eng around one's chest Translation ger Brustumfang

JMdict 100319
Word 口辺
Reading こうへん
Translation eng around one's lips Translation ger Gegend um den Mund

JMdict 100319
Word 世界中
Reading せかいじゅう
Translation eng around or throughout the world

JMdict 100319
Word 家の辺りに
Reading いえのあたりに
Translation eng around the house

JMdict 100319
Word 寅の刻
Reading とらのこく
Translation eng around four o'clock in the morning

JMdict 100319
Word 此処彼処
Reading ここかしこ
Translation eng here and there ; around and about

JMdict 100319
Word そこら辺 ; 其処等辺
Reading そこらへん
Translation eng hereabouts ; around there ; that area
Crossref そこら

JMdict 100319
Word 首回り
Reading くびまわり
Translation eng around the neck ; neck size ( measurement )

JMdict 100319
Word 此処いら
Reading ここいら
Translation eng around here ; in this vicinity ; this area
Crossref 此処ら

JMdict 100319
Reading がた
Translation eng honorific pluralizing suffix ( used only for people ) ; around ( the time that , etc .) ; about

JMdict 100319
Reading アラフォー
Translation eng around 40 ( years of age , esp . women )

JMdict 100319
Reading アラサー
Translation eng around 30

JMdict 100319
Word 末頃
Reading すえごろ
Translation eng around the end of (a period of time )

JMdict 100319
Reading かそこら
Translation eng around ... ; or so

CEDict 100318
Traditional 前後 Simplified 前后
Pinyin qian2 hou4
English around ; from beginning to end ; all around

CEDict 100318
Traditional 唐末 Simplified 唐末
Pinyin Tang2 mo4
English late Tang ; the last years of the Tang dynasty ; around 900

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塊兒八毛 Simplified 块儿八毛
Pinyin kuai4 r5 ba1 mao2
English one yuan or less ; around 80 cents or one dollar

CEDict 100318
Traditional 左右 Simplified 左右
Pinyin zuo3 you4
English about ; approximately ; left and right ; around ; attendant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 日夜 Simplified 日夜
Pinyin ri4 ye4
English day and night ; around the clock

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shang3
English around noon

CEDict 100318
Traditional 環城 Simplified 环城
Pinyin huan2 cheng2
English encircling the city ( of walls , ring road etc ) ; around the city

CEDict 100318
Traditional 環島 Simplified 环岛
Pinyin huan2 dao3
English roundabout ( traffic island ) ; around an island ( trip etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 環球 Simplified 环球
Pinyin huan2 qiu2
English around the world ; worldwide

CEDict 100318
Traditional 約摸 Simplified 约摸
Pinyin yue1 mo5
English about ; around ; approximately ; also written 約莫 | 约莫

CEDict 100318
Traditional 約莫 Simplified 约莫
Pinyin yue1 mo5
English about ; around ; approximately

JMdict 200217
Reading アラウンド
Translation hun itt-ott ; körül ; minden oldalon ; táján
Translation eng around

JMdict 200217
Reading くらい ; ぐらい
Translation hun hozzávetőleg ; hozzávetőlegesen ; körülbelül ; körös-körül ; körül ; közel ; megközelítőleg ; mindenfelé ; táján Translation slv približno Translation spa aproximadamente
Translation eng approximately ; about ; around ; or so ; to ( about ) the extent that ; ( almost ) enough that ; so ... that ... ; at least ; as ... as ... ; like Translation fre environ ; approximativement ; à peu près ; ( presque ) au point que ; (à peu près ) autant que ; au moins ; au minimum ; aussi ... que ... ; comme

JMdict 200217
Word 口辺に
Reading こうへんに
Translation eng around the mouth Translation ger um den Mund

JMdict 200217
Word 前後
Reading ぜんご
Translation dut voor- en achterkant ; voor- en achterzijde ; voor en achter {loc .} ; voor- en achteraan {loc .} ; ervoor en erachter {loc .} ; voor- en achterwaarts {loc .} ; voor en na ; tevoren en daarna ; ervoor en erna ; voor- en achteraf ; consequenties {i .h.b.} ; tegen ; rond ; omstreeks ; omtrent ; om en ( na ) bij ; circa ; ( zo ) ongeveer ; zo'n ; zowat ; in de buurt van Translation hun felé ; körös-körül ; körül ; körülbelül ; közel ; minden irányban ; minden oldalon ; mindenfelé ; táján ; szövegkörnyezet ; közelről Translation spa antes y despúes ; contenido ; en medio
Translation eng front and rear ; front and back ; before and behind ; back and forth ; before and after ; around ; about ; approximately ; order ; context ; consequences ; just when ; around the time of ; inversion ; reversion ; getting out of order ; co-occurring Translation ger außer Ordnung kommen ; alles in einen Topf werfen ; etwa ; ungefähr ; vorn und hinten ; vor und nach ; vorher und nachher ; etwa ; gegen ; Anordnung ; Reihenfolge ; Konsequenz Translation fre devant et derrière ; avant et arrière ; d'avant en arrière ; aller et retour ; avant et après ; ordre ; contexte ; conséquences ; inversion ; réversion ; tomber en panne ; concomitant ; environ ; vers ( par ex . vers 3 heures ) ; approximativement ; presque ; à peu près Translation rus смешиваться , перепутываться ; 1) {то , что} впереди и {то , что} позади ; 2) {то , что} раньше и {то , что} позже ; 3) раньше или позже ( чего-л .) ; почти одновременно , в одно время чем-л .) {~して} ; 4): {~する} смешиваться , перепутываться

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