JMdict 200217
Word 映画人
Reading えいがじん
Translation eng cineast ; someone who works in the movie industry Translation ger jmd . vom Film ; Angehöriger der Filmbranche Translation rus ( разг .) киноработник

JMdict 200217
Word 映画監督
Reading えいがかんとく
Translation dut filmregisseur ; cineast ; filmer ; {Belg .N. ; niet alg .} kineast Translation spa director de cine ; realizador
Translation eng movie director ; film director Translation ger Filmregisseur Translation rus 1) {кино}режиссёр ; 2) продюсер

JMdict 200217
Word 映像作家
Reading えいぞうさっか
Translation spa cineasta
Translation eng filmmaker Translation ger Videokünstler ; Videofilmer

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