CEDict 100318
Traditional 客氣話 Simplified 客气话
Pinyin ke4 qi5 hua4
English words of politeness ; politesse ; decorous talking ; talk with propriety

JMdict 200217
Word 礼儀正しい
Reading れいぎただしい
Translation dut beleefd ; wellevend ; voorkomend ; welgemanierd ; goedgemanierd ; hoffelijk ; correct Translation hun udvarias Translation spa educado ( persona )
Translation eng courteous ; decorous ; polite Translation ger höflich ; anständig ; wohlanständig ; schicklich ; sittsam ; artig Translation fre être poli

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 客氣話 Simplified 客气话
Pinyin ke4 qi5 hua4
English words of politeness ; politesse ; decorous talking ; talk with propriety

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 本本分分 Simplified 本本分分
Pinyin ben3 ben3 fen4 fen4
English decorous ; respectable

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