JMdict 100319
Word 艶消し
Reading つやけし
Translation eng frosted ( glass ) ; matted ; disillusionment ; letdown Translation ger Mattierung ; Mattieren ; Ernüchterung ; Enttäuschung

JMdict 100319
Word 曇りガラス
Reading くもりガラス
Translation eng frosted glass Translation ger Mattglas ; Milchglas Translation fre verre dépoli

JMdict 100319
Word 霜を置いた
Reading しもをおいた
Translation eng gray ; grey ; frosted ; hoary Translation ger grau meliert

CEDict 100318
Traditional 磨砂 Simplified 磨砂
Pinyin mo2 sha1
English frosted (e.g. glass )

JMdict 200217
Word 曇りガラス
Reading くもりガラス
Translation swe frostat glas
Translation eng frosted glass Translation ger Mattglas ; Milchglas Translation fre verre dépoli Translation rus матовое стекло

JMdict 200217
Word 霜を置いた
Reading しもをおいた
Translation hun borongós ; gyászos ; sötét ; szürke ; deres ; fehér ; ősrégi ; ősz ; régi
Translation eng gray ; grey ; frosted ; hoary ; frosty Translation ger grau meliert

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 磨砂 Simplified 磨砂
Pinyin mo2 sha1
English to scrub with an abrasive ; to sand ; frosted (e.g. glass )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 毛玻璃 Simplified 毛玻璃
Pinyin mao2 bo1 li5
English frosted glass

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