JMdict 100319
Word ; ;
Reading まめ
Translation eng legume ( esp . edible legumes or their seeds , such as beans , peas , pulses , etc .) ; beans ; peas ; soya bean ( soybean ) ; soy ( Glycine max ) ; female genitalia ( esp . the clitoris ) ; kidney ; miniature ; tiny ; child Translation fre haricots ; pois
Crossref 大豆

JMdict 100319
Word 豆料
Reading まめりょう
Translation eng legume ; podded plant

JMdict 100319
Word 野菜
Reading やさい
Translation eng vegetable Translation ger Gemüse Translation fre légume Translation rus овощ

CEDict 100318
Traditional 莢果 Simplified 荚果
Pinyin jia2 guo3
English legume

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豆科 Simplified 豆科
Pinyin dou4 ke1
English Fabaceae ; Leguminosae ; legume family ( botany )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cai4 Reading On サイ Reading Kun Nanori よう Reading Korean chae Reading Korean
Meaning vegetable ; side dish ; greens Meaning fr légume ; accompagnement ( du riz ) Meaning es verduras ; entremeses ; vegetales Meaning pt legume ; salada ; verduras

JMdict 200217
Word 豆料
Reading まめりょう
Translation hun hüvelyes növény
Translation eng legume ; podded plant

JMdict 200217
Word 野菜
Reading やさい
Translation dut groente ; bladgroente ; groenvoer ; moesgroente ; moeskruid ; warmoes {veroud .} Translation hun főzelék ; főzelékféle ; növényi eredetű ; növényi ; zöldségféle Translation slv zelenjava Translation spa verdura ; hortaliza Translation swe grönsak
Translation eng vegetable Translation ger Gemüse Translation fre légume Translation rus овощи , зелень

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cai4 Reading On サイ Reading Kun Nanori よう Reading Korean chae Reading Korean
Meaning vegetable ; side dish ; greens Meaning fr légume ; accompagnement ( du riz ) Meaning es verduras ; entremeses ; vegetales Meaning pt legume ; salada ; verduras

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 莢果 Simplified 荚果
Pinyin jia2 guo3
English seed pod ; legume

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 豆科 Simplified 豆科
Pinyin dou4 ke1
English Fabaceae ; Leguminosae ; legume family ( botany )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 豆科植物 Simplified 豆科植物
Pinyin dou4 ke1 zhi2 wu4
English legume ; leguminous plant

JMdict 200217
Word 豆果
Reading とうか
Translation dut peulvrucht {plantk .}
Translation eng legume Translation ger Hülse ; Hülsenfrucht ; Legume ( Frucht )

JMdict 100319
Translation eng greens ; vegetables ; rape ( Brassica napus ) ; rapeseed Translation ger Gemüse ; Raps ; ( Brassica campestris ) Translation fre légumes

JMdict 100319
Word 青物
Reading あおもの
Translation eng vegetables ; ( edible ) greens ; blueback ( any fish with a bluish back , such as the Japanese sardine ) Translation ger Grünzeug ; Gemüse ; {Fischk .} Fisch mit grüner Haut ; ( wie Makrele od . Sardine ) Translation fre légumes ; herbes ( comestibles , potagères )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu1
English legumes ( peas and beans )

JMdict 200217
Translation dut bladgroente ; moesgroente ; groente ; vegetabiliën ; koolzaadbloem Translation hun angyalbőr ; katonai egyenruha ; zöldfőzelék Translation spa vegetales
Translation eng greens ; vegetables ; rape ( Brassica napus ) ; rapeseed Translation ger Gemüse ; Raps ; Brassica campestris Translation fre légumes Translation rus 1) овощи ; 2) ( разг . см .) あぶらな , きょうな , こまつな

JMdict 200217
Word 青物
Reading あおもの
Translation dut groene groente ; groensel {gew .} ; groenten {i .h.a.} ; warmoes {veroud .} ; vegetabiliën {w .g.} ; blauwgeschubde vissen bonito {dierk .} {= ; makreel e.a.} Translation hun angyalbőr ; katonai egyenruha ; zöldfőzelék Translation spa verduras ; hortalizas
Translation eng vegetables ; ( edible ) greens ; blueback ( any fish with a bluish back , such as the Japanese sardine ) Translation ger Grünzeug ; Gemüse ; Fisch mit grüner Haut ( wie Makrele od . Sardine ) Translation fre légumes ; herbes ( comestibles , potagères ) Translation rus 1) зелень , овощи ; 2) рыба с синей чешуёй

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu1
English legumes ( peas and beans )

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