Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slow-tongued ; to stammer , to shout in triumph ; the noise of shoting in battle
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping neot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition angry , to scold with loud voice , to slander ; to defame
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping nip6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition deep ; profound , empty ; hollow , quite ; peaceful
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping nip6 Viet nồi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a nun , the mountains after which Confucius was named
Pinyin NI2 YI4 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical and abbreviated form ) shape of the mountain
Pinyin MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to loose the bow-string , a kind of jade , ( same as ) full , great , boundless , to complete
Pinyin MI2 PEI4 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inside ; within ; inner , a family name , ( corrupted form of ) to take from the top , to strip ; to peel
Pinyin NEI4 RUI4 Jyutping noi6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thin and flat slips of bamboo used for weaving purpose
Pinyin BIE4 MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to knit ; to twist ropes , a belt to hang sword , poor qualitied silk wadding
Pinyin MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a general term for nets
Pinyin MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of grass
Pinyin MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to call somebody , ( same as ) to beg ; to entreat ; to implore , to be bigoted ; to adhere to the letter of the law ; bigoted and conservative , poor ( speech )
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of animal ; fur can be used for clothes
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition high cartloads , ( same as ) rings on the yokes
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping ngaai5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a sickle
Pinyin MI2 Jyutping nei4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flying birds , a kind of bird
Pinyin NEI4 YE4 Jyutping nip6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inside , interior ; domestic
Pinyin NEI4 NA4 Jyutping naap6 noi6 On DAI NAI Kun UCHI IRU IRERU Hangul Korean NAY NAP Tang *nuə̀i nuə̀i
Simplified U+5185

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inside
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping noi6 On DAI NAI Kun UCHI IRU IRERU Korean NAY NAP Viet nội
Traditional U+5167

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition maid , servant girl ; cute girl

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a new-born child the whimper of an infant
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping nei4 ngai4 On GEI Kun MIDORIGO AKAGONONAKIGOE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Buddhist nun ; transliteration
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping nei4 On NI JITSU Kun AMA Hangul Korean NI IL Tang ni Viet ni

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shy , timid , bashful ; look ashamed
Pinyin NI2 Jyutping nei4 On JI DEI NI Kun HAZU Hangul Korean NI Viet náy

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition neon
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping noi6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's deceased father
Pinyin MI2 NI3 Jyutping nei4 On DEI NAI NE Kun KATASHIRO Hangul Korean NI
Traditional U+79B0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's deceased father
Pinyin NI3 MI2 XIAN3 Jyutping nei4 nei5 On DEI NAI NE Kun KATASHIRO Hangul Korean NI Tang něi
Simplified U+7962

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition niobium
Pinyin NI2 NI3 Jyutping nei4 nei6 On DEI NAI Kun ITOMAKINOASHI Viet bắn nỉa
Simplified U+94CC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition niobium
Pinyin NI3 Jyutping nei4
Traditional U+922E

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nei4
English inside ; inner ; internal ; within ; interior

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內丘 Simplified 内丘
Pinyin Nei4 qiu1
English Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台 [ Xing2 tai2 ], Hebei

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內丘縣 Simplified 内丘县
Pinyin Nei4 qiu1 xian4
English Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台 [ Xing2 tai2 ], Hebei

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內亂 Simplified 内乱
Pinyin nei4 luan4
English internal disorder ; civil strife ; civil unrest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內人 Simplified 内人
Pinyin nei4 ren2
English my wife ( humble )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內兄 Simplified 内兄
Pinyin nei4 xiong1
English wife's older brother

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內八字腳 Simplified 内八字脚
Pinyin nei4 ba1 zi4 jiao3
English intoeing ; pigeon toes ; knock-knees

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內出血 Simplified 内出血
Pinyin nei4 chu1 xue4
English internal bleeding ; internal hemorrhage

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內分泌 Simplified 内分泌
Pinyin nei4 fen1 mi4
English endocrine ( internal secretion , e.g. hormone )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內分泌腺 Simplified 内分泌腺
Pinyin nei4 fen1 mi4 xian4
English endocrine gland ; gland producing internal secretion , e.g. hormone )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內切球 Simplified 内切球
Pinyin nei4 qie1 qiu2
English inside cut ( golf )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內務 Simplified 内务
Pinyin nei4 wu4
English internal affairs ; domestic affairs ; family affairs ; ( trad .) affairs within the palace

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內務部 Simplified 内务部
Pinyin nei4 wu4 bu4
English Ministry of Internal Affairs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內卡河 Simplified 内卡河
Pinyin Nei4 ka3 he2
English Neckar river in Germany

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內參 Simplified 内参
Pinyin nei4 can1
English internal reference ( within the same publication )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內向 Simplified 内向
Pinyin nei4 xiang4
English inward-looking ; introvert ; introverted ( personality ) ; domestic-oriented ( economy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內含體 Simplified 内含体
Pinyin nei4 han2 ti3
English inclusion bodies

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內在 Simplified 内在
Pinyin nei4 zai4
English intrinsic ; innate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內在幾何 Simplified 内在几何
Pinyin nei4 zai4 ji3 he2
English intrinsic geometry

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內在幾何學 Simplified 内在几何学
Pinyin nei4 zai4 ji3 he2 xue2
English intrinsic geometry

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內在座標 Simplified 内在坐标
Pinyin nei4 zai4 zuo4 biao1
English intrinsic coordinates ( geometry )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內在的 Simplified 内在的
Pinyin nei4 zai4 de5
English inner ; internal

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內地 Simplified 内地
Pinyin nei4 di4
English inland ; interior

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 254 ms