JMdict 100319
Word 玉石
Reading たまいし
Translation eng pebble ; round stone ; boulder Translation ger runde Steine ; verkieselte Steinkohle

JMdict 100319
Word 小石 ;
Reading こいし
Translation eng pebble Translation ger kleiner Stein ; Steinchen ; Kieselstein Translation fre galet Translation rus камешек

JMdict 100319
Word 石塊 ; 石ころ
Reading せっかい ; いしくれ ; いしころ
Translation eng stone ; rock ; pebble Translation ger Kiesel ; Geröll

JMdict 100319
Word 細ら ; 細れ ;
Reading ささら ; さざら ; さざれ
Translation eng small ; little ; fine ; fine pattern ; pebble
Crossref 細石 ; 細形

CEDict 100318
Traditional 卵石 Simplified 卵石
Pinyin luan3 shi2
English cobble ; pebble

CEDict 100318
Traditional 河卵石 Simplified 河卵石
Pinyin he2 luan3 shi2
English pebble

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鵝卵石 Simplified 鹅卵石
Pinyin e2 luan3 shi2
English pebble ; cobblestone

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lu3 Reading On Reading Kun すな Reading Korean nyo
Meaning sal ammoniac ; sand ; pebble

JMdict 200217
Word 小石 ;
Reading こいし
Translation hun kavics Translation spa guijarro Translation swe liten sten
Translation eng pebble Translation ger Koishi ; kleiner Stein ; Steinchen ; Kieselstein Translation fre galet Translation rus камешек ; камешек ; щебень ; гравий

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lu3 Reading On Reading Kun すな Reading Korean nyo
Meaning sal ammoniac ; sand ; pebble

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 卵石 Simplified 卵石
Pinyin luan3 shi2
English cobble ; pebble

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 河卵石 Simplified 河卵石
Pinyin he2 luan3 shi2
English pebble

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鵝卵石 Simplified 鹅卵石
Pinyin e2 luan3 shi2
English pebble ; cobblestone

JMdict 200217
Word 細ら ; 細れ ;
Reading ささら ; さざら ; さざれ
Translation eng small ; little ; fine ; fine pattern ; pebble Translation rus ( кн .) мелкие камешки , галька , щебень
Crossref 細石・1 ; 細形

JMdict 200217
Word 石つぶて ; 石礫
Reading いしつぶて
Translation dut stenen bolletje ; pellet
Translation eng throwing stone ; sling stone ; slingshot ; pellet ; pebble ; small rock Translation ger geworfener Stein ; Stein zum Werfen ; Steinewerfen

JMdict 200217
Word 石礫 ; 石れき
Reading せきれき
Translation eng pellet ; pebble ; small rock
Crossref 石礫・いしつぶて

JMdict 200217
Word 砂石 ; 沙石
Reading させき ; しゃせき
Translation eng sand and stone ; pebble

JMdict 200217
Word 円石
Reading えんせき
Translation eng round stone ; pebble ; boulder ; cobblestone ; cobble ; coccolith Translation ger runder Stein ; Kiesel Translation rus булыжник ; голыш , галька
Crossref ココリス

JMdict 200217
Word 石子
Reading いしこ
Translation eng pebble ; small stone Translation ger Kiesel ; Kieselstein ; Go-Stein ; Steinmetz
Crossref いしころ ; 小石・こいし

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pebble ; small piece of stone
Jyutping caam1 cai1 cak3 haam1 saam1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pebble ; small piece of stone
Jyutping caam1 cai1 cak3 haam1 saam1

JMdict 100319
Word 砂利
Reading じゃり ; ざり
Translation eng gravel ; ballast ; pebbles ; child ; rugrat ; ankle-biter Translation ger Schotter ; Kies ; Kieselsteine ; Kies und Sand ; ( ugs .) ; Kind ; Balg ; Bälger Translation fre ballast ; cailloux ; galets ; gravier ; gravillon

JMdict 100319
Word 砂礫
Reading されき
Translation eng pebbles

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 礫石 Simplified 砾石
Pinyin li4 shi2
English gravel ; pebbles

JMdict 200217
Word 砂利
Reading じゃり ; ざり
Translation dut grind ; kiezel ; gravel Translation hun kavics ; kavics ; nehezék Translation slv prod ; drobni kamenčki Translation spa grava ; arena
Translation eng gravel ; ballast ; pebbles ; child ; rugrat ; ankle-biter Translation ger Schotter ; Kies ; Kieselsteine ; Kies und Sand ; Kind ; Balg ; Bälger ; Schotter ; Kies ; Kieselsteine ; Kies und Sand Translation fre ballast ; cailloux ; galets ; gravier ; gravillon Translation rus галька , гравий , щебень

JMdict 200217
Word 砂礫
Reading されき
Translation eng pebbles Translation ger Kies ; Sand und Kleingestein ; Grieß ; Schutt Translation rus гравий , щебень

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 礫石 Simplified 砾石
Pinyin li4 shi2
English gravel ; pebbles

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