JMdict 100319
Reading グッズ
Translation eng goods ; promotional items Translation ger Waren

Reading プロモーションビデオ
Source Language eng promotion video Translation eng promotional video ; music video

JMdict 100319
Word 興行権
Reading こうぎょうけん
Translation eng promotional or production rights Translation ger Aufführungsrecht

JMdict 100319
Word 謳い文句
Reading うたいもんく
Translation eng catchphrase ; promotional line Translation ger Schlagwort ; Slogan ; Motto

JMdict 200217
Reading グッズ ; グッツ
Translation dut waar ; koopwaar ; goederen ; artikelen Translation hun javak Translation spa bienes ; artículos ; mercaderías ; merchandising
Translation eng goods ; promotional items Translation ger Waren ; Güter Translation rus (( англ .) goods ) ; 1) товар , товары ; 2) вещи , имущество

JMdict 200217
Word 試供品
Reading しきょうひん
Translation dut monster ; staal ; specimen ; sample ; bemonsterde offerte Translation hun mintadarab ; kóstoló Translation swe provbit ; provexemplar
Translation eng ( free ) sample ; promotional gift Translation ger Gratisprobe ; Gratisproduktprobe

JMdict 200217
Word うたい文句 ; 謳い文句
Reading うたいもんく
Translation dut catchphrase ; slogan ; motto ; blurbtekst ; blurb Translation hun divatos szólás Translation spa eslogan ; lema ; cantinela
Translation eng catchphrase ; promotional line ; slogan Translation ger Schlagwort ; Slogan ; Motto

JMdict 200217
Reading イベコン
Translation eng promotional model (e.g. at a trade show ) ; booth babe
Crossref イベントコンパニオン

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 宣材写真
Reading せんざいしゃしん
Translation eng promotional photo ( models , singers , etc .) Translation ger Werbefoto ; Bewerbungsfoto ( eines Künstlers )

JMdict 200217
Word 宣伝ビラ
Reading せんでんビラ
Translation eng promotional leaflet ; handbill ; flyer Translation ger Reklamezettel ; Werbeflugblatt ; Flyer

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 特賣會 Simplified 特卖会
Pinyin te4 mai4 hui4
English promotional event ; sale

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 文宣 Simplified 文宣
Pinyin wen2 xuan1
English promotional material ; propaganda

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 推介會 Simplified 推介会
Pinyin tui1 jie4 hui4
English promotional seminar ; promotional event

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 廣告衫 Simplified 广告衫
Pinyin guang3 gao4 shan1
English promotional T-shirt

JMdict 200217
Reading コンパニオン
Translation hun kézikönyv
Translation eng promotional model ( at a trade show , etc .) ; female guide ( at a convention ) ; booth babe ; hostess ( of a party , banquet , etc .) ; companion Translation ger Führerin ; Rezeptionistin ; Begleiterin ; Hostess ; Gefährte ; Begleiter

CEDict 100318
Traditional 遊說 Simplified 游说
Pinyin you2 shui4
English to canvass ; to drum up support ; to promote st ; to lobby ; promotional tour ( to increase sales etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 廣告衫 Simplified 广告衫
Pinyin guang3 gao4 shan1
English promotional T-shirt

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