JMdict 100319
Word 茶菓
Reading ちゃか ; さか
Translation eng tea and cakes or sweets ; refreshments Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Tee und Kuchen ; Erfrischungen Translation fre gateaux

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茶點 Simplified 茶点
Pinyin cha2 dian3
English tea and cake ; refreshments ; tea and dimsun 點心 | 点心 , traditional Hong Kong lunch

JMdict 200217
Word 茶菓
Reading さか ; ちゃか
Translation spa y pasteles o dulces ; refrigerio
Translation eng tea and cakes ; refreshments Translation ger Tee und Kuchen ; Erfrischungen Translation fre gateaux Translation rus ( кн . см .) ちゃがし ; ( см .) ちゃがし

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶點 Simplified 茶点
Pinyin cha2 dian3
English tea and cake ; refreshments ; tea and dimsun 點心 | 点心 , traditional Hong Kong lunch

CEDict 100318
Traditional 小吃 Simplified 小吃
Pinyin xiao3 chi1
English snack ; refreshments

JMdict 100319
Word 粗菓
Reading そか
Translation eng refreshments ( implied to be low-grade ) Translation ger einfacher Kuchen ; einfache Süßigkeit ; ( höfl . -besch . wenn man anderen etwas anbietet )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 小吃 Simplified 小吃
Pinyin xiao3 chi1
English snack ; refreshments

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