JMdict 100319
Reading から
Translation eng from (e.g. time , place , numerical quantity ) ; since ; from ( originator ) ; because ; out of ( constituent , part ) ; through (e.g. window , vestibule ) ; after ; since ( following te-form verb ) Translation ger Baumstamm ; Stängel ; Stiel ; Pfeilschaft ; Griff ; Stiel

JMdict 100319
Word 此方
Reading こなた ; こんた
Translation eng this way ; here ; the person in question ; he ; she ; him ; her ; since (a time in the past ) ; prior to (a time in the future ) ; me ; you
Crossref こちら

JMdict 100319
Word それ以来
Reading それいらい
Translation eng since then ; from that time ; ever since Translation ger seitdem ; seit damals ; seit dieser Zeit

JMdict 100319
Reading より
Translation eng from ; out of ; since ; at ; than ; other than ; except ; but ; more Translation ger Drehung ; Verdrehung Translation fre à partir ; plus

JMdict 100319
Word 以後 ; 已後
Reading いご
Translation eng after this ; from now on ; hereafter ; thereafter ; since ( verb ) ( after -te form of verb ) ; after ( time ) ; since ( then ) Translation ger von nun an ; in Zukunft ; zukünftig ; später ; seitdem ; seit ; danach ; nach Translation fre après quoi ; désormais ; dorénavant Translation rus (1) по́сле ; спустя́ ; (2) впре́дь

JMdict 100319
Word 以降
Reading いこう
Translation eng on and after ; as from ; hereafter ; thereafter ; since Translation ger seit ; von ... an ; ab ; nach Translation fre à l'avenir ; à partir de ; désormais ; dorénavant

JMdict 100319
Word 以上 ; 已上
Reading いじょう
Translation eng not less than ; ... and more ; ... and upwards ; beyond ... (e.g. one's means ) ; further (e.g. nothing further to say ) ; more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that ) ; above-mentioned ; foregoing ; since ... ; seeing that ... ; this is all ; that is the end ; the end Translation ger und mehr ; mehr als ; nicht unter ; über ; oben erwähnt ; da ; weil ; nachdem Translation fre ci-dessus ; davantage ; plus que ; puisque Translation rus (1) свы́ше ; сверх ; бо́льше ; (2) вышеука́занное ; вышеупомя́нутое

JMdict 100319
Word 以前 ; 已前
Reading いぜん
Translation eng ago ; since ; before ; previous Translation ger vor ; bevor ; vorher ; früher ; einst ; ehemals ; ehedem ; vormals ; einmal Translation fre autrefois ; avant Translation rus (1) тому́ наза́д ; до ; (2) ра́ньше ; пре́жде

JMdict 100319
Word 以前に
Reading いぜんに
Translation eng ago ; since ; before ; previously ; heretofore ; earlier Translation ger vor ; bevor ; vorher ; früher ; einst ; ehemals ; ehedem ; vormals ; einmal

JMdict 100319
Word 以来
Reading いらい
Translation eng since ; henceforth Translation fre depuis ; dorénavant Translation rus со вре́мени ; по́сле ( чего-л .)

JMdict 100319
Word 何時から
Reading いつから
Translation eng since when ; from when ; how long

JMdict 100319
Word 古往今来
Reading こおうこんらい
Translation eng in all ages ; since antiquity Translation ger von früher bis heute ; von alters her

JMdict 100319
Reading のち
Translation eng later ; afterwards ; since ; future ; after one's death ; descendant Translation ger nach ; danach ; später ; in der Zukunft ; zukünftig Translation fre après ; ensuite Translation rus после

JMdict 100319
Word 爾来 ; 而来
Reading じらい
Translation eng since then ; after that Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; seitdem ; seither ; seit der Zeit

JMdict 100319
Word 生後
Reading せいご
Translation eng post-natal ; since birth Translation ger Zeit nach der Geburt

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 別後
Reading べつご
Translation eng since we parted Translation ger seit der Trennung

JMdict 100319
Word 夜来
Reading やらい
Translation eng overnight ; since last night Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; seit letzter Nacht ; seit gestern Abend

JMdict 100319
Reading らい
Translation eng next ( year , etc .) ; since ( last month , etc .) Translation fre depuis

JMdict 100319
Word 昨年来
Reading さくねんらい
Translation eng since last year Translation ger seit letztem Jahr

JMdict 100319
Word この方 ; 此の方
Reading このかた
Translation eng since ; this person Translation ger dieser Herr ; diese Dame ; seitdem ; seit

JMdict 100319
Word 有史以来
Reading ゆうしいらい
Translation eng since the dawn of history

JMdict 100319
Word 老来
Reading ろうらい
Translation eng since growing old Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; seit Beginn des Alters

JMdict 100319
Reading あれっきり
Translation eng since then Translation ger seither ; seit dieser Zeit

JMdict 100319
Word あれ以来
Reading あれいらい
Translation eng since then Translation ger seit damals

JMdict 100319
Reading からには
Translation eng now that ; since ; so long as ; because

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 上は
Reading うえは
Translation eng now that ; since

JMdict 100319
Word 根から
Reading ねから
Translation eng since the beginning ; natural-born ( salesman , etc .) ; ( followed by a verb in negative form ) absolutely ( not ) ; ( not ) at all
Crossref 根っから

JMdict 100319
Reading からして
Translation eng even ; for starters ; so ; therefore ; judging from ; based on ; since ; from

JMdict 100319
Word っ切り
Reading っきり
Translation eng limits ; end ; bounds ; period ; place to leave off ; closing sentence ; all there is ; only ; since
Crossref 切り

JMdict 100319
Reading あれから
Translation eng since then ; after that

JMdict 100319
Reading となるために
Translation eng in order to be ( come )... ; since it amounts to ... ; since it is advantageous to ...
Crossref となる

JMdict 100319
Reading これより
Translation eng from ( this , here , etc .) ; since ( this )

JMdict 100319
Word その時以来
Reading そのときいらい
Translation eng since that time ; since then ; from that point ( on )

JMdict 100319
Word 築後
Reading ちくご
Translation eng after construction ; after building ; since construction

JMnedict 100319
Reading シンセ Romaji Since

CEDict 100318
Traditional 一直以來 Simplified 一直以来
Pinyin yi1 zhi2 yi3 lai2
English since always ; until now

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以來 Simplified 以来
Pinyin yi3 lai2
English since (a previous event )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以降 Simplified 以降
Pinyin yi3 jiang4
English since ( some point in the past )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 南平地區 Simplified 南平地区
Pinyin Nan2 ping2 di4 qu1
English Nanping district ( old term ) ; since 1983 , Nanping county level city , Fujian

CEDict 100318
Traditional 古往今來 Simplified 古往今来
Pinyin gu3 wang3 jin1 lai2
English since ancient times ; since times immemorial

CEDict 100318
Traditional 年以來 Simplified 年以来
Pinyin nian2 yi3 lai2
English since the year ...

Records 1 - 50 of 160 retrieved in 1321 ms