Unicode 5.2
Character Definition seven Value 7
Pinyin QI1 Jyutping cat1 On SHICHI SHITSU Kun NANATSU NANATABI Hangul Korean CHIL Tang *tsit tsit Viet thất

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bolt of cloth ; counter for horses
Pinyin PI3 Jyutping pat1 On HITSU HIKI Kun TAGUI TAGUU Hangul Korean PHIL MOK Tang *pit Viet thất
Variant U+758B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lose ; make mistake , neglect
Pinyin SHI1 Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU ITSU Kun USHINAU Hangul Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition room , home , house , chamber
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU Kun MURO HEYA Hangul Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beat
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1 maat3 mut3 On CHITSU CHICHI Kun MUCHIUTSU Viet thắt

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫅
Viet thắt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition seven Value 7
Pinyin Jyutping cat1 On SHICHI SHITSU Kun NANATSU NANATABI Hangul : 0E Korean CHIL Tang *tsit tsit Viet thất

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bolt of cloth ; counter for horses
Pinyin Jyutping pat1 On HITSU HIKI Kun TAGUI TAGUU Hangul : 0E Korean PHIL MOK Tang *pit Viet thất
Variant U+758B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lose ; make mistake , neglect
Pinyin shī Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU ITSU Kun USHINAU Hangul : 0E Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition room , home , house , chamber
Pinyin shì Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU Kun MURO HEYA Hangul : 0E Korean SIL Tang *shit Viet thất

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beat
Pinyin chì Jyutping cik1 maat3 mut3 On CHITSU CHICHI Kun MUCHIUTSU Viet thắt

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫅
Viet thắt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition that which ; he who ; those who
Pinyin ZHE3 ZHU1 Jyutping ze2 On SHA Kun MONO Hangul Korean CA Tang *jiǎ

JMdict 100319
Word あの人
Reading あのひと
Translation eng he ; she ; that person Translation ger er ; sie ; jene Person ; er ; mein Freund ; mein Mann ; ( von Frauen benutztes Pronom um auf eine männliche Person in der dritten Person hinzuweisen ) Translation fre cette personne ; elle ; lui Translation rus он ; она́ ; тот челове́к

JMdict 100319
Word あの方
Reading あのかた
Translation eng that gentleman ( lady ) ; he ; she Translation ger diese Dame ; dieser Herr ; diese Person ; er ; sie Translation rus он ; она́ ; тот челове́к

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading ええ
Translation eng yes ; that is correct ; right ; um ; errr ; huh? ; grrr ; gah ; Must I? ; good Translation ger ja ; äh ; wie ; wie bitte ; nun ; also Translation fre oui Translation rus да

JMdict 100319
Reading ここで
Translation eng that is ; i.e. Translation ger hier ; an diesem Punkt

JMdict 100319
Word 其奴
Reading そいつ ; そやつ
Translation eng that person ( guy , fellow ) ; that ( one ) Translation ger ( ugs .) ; der Kerl ; da ; das da ; ( grob ) Translation fre ce type-là

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 其処
Reading そこ
Translation eng there ( place relatively near listener ) ; there ( place just mentioned ) ; that place ; then ( of some incident just spoken of ) ; that ( of point just raised ) ; you Translation ger dort ; da ; jener Ort ; Stelle da Translation rus там ( место рядом с собеседником )
Crossref 彼処 ; 此処 ; 何処

JMdict 100319
Word 其処いら
Reading そこいら
Translation eng that area

JMdict 100319
Word 其処ら
Reading そこら
Translation eng everywhere ; somewhere ; approximately ; that area ; around there Translation ger ungefähr dort ; in dieser Gegend ; ungefähr ; um ; oder so

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 其れ
Reading それ
Translation eng that ( indicating an item or person near the listener , the action of the listener , or something on their mind ) ; it ; that time ; then ; there ( indicating a place near the listener ) ; you Translation ger das da ; das ; der ; die ; das ; diese Zeit Translation fre ça ; ceci ; cela Translation rus это ( рядом с собеседником ) ; то
Crossref 彼・あれ ; 此れ ; 何れ

JMdict 100319
Word 其れ丈 ; 其れだけ
Reading それだけ
Translation eng that much ; as much ; to that extent ; only that ; that alone ; no more than that Translation ger so viel ; nur soviel ; nicht mehr als

JMdict 100319
Word と言うのは
Reading というのは
Translation eng means ; is ; because ( often with kara ) ; that is to say

JMdict 100319
Reading なら ; ならば
Translation eng if ; in case ; if it is the case that ; if it is true that ; as for ; on the topic of ; if that's the case ; if so ; that being the case ; if possible ; if circumstances allow Translation ger {Bot .} japanische Eiche ; ( <wiss . N.: Quercus dentata> )
Crossref それなら

JMdict 100319
Reading ので ; んで
Translation eng that being the case ; because of ... ; the reason is .... ; given that ... Translation ger da ; weil

JMdict 100319
Word 可き
Reading べき
Translation eng should ( suf . to verbs ) ; must ; that one ought to ; to be done ; ( passive ending ) -able Translation ger sollen ; müssen

JMdict 100319
Word 以上 ; 已上
Reading いじょう
Translation eng not less than ; ... and more ; ... and upwards ; beyond ... (e.g. one's means ) ; further (e.g. nothing further to say ) ; more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that ) ; above-mentioned ; foregoing ; since ... ; seeing that ... ; this is all ; that is the end ; the end Translation ger und mehr ; mehr als ; nicht unter ; über ; oben erwähnt ; da ; weil ; nachdem Translation fre ci-dessus ; davantage ; plus que ; puisque Translation rus (1) свы́ше ; сверх ; бо́льше ; (2) вышеука́занное ; вышеупомя́нутое

JMdict 100319
Word 然る
Reading さる ; しかる
Translation eng a particular ; a certain ; that kind of ; such a Translation ger ein ; gewisser

JMdict 100319
Word 即ち ; 則ち ; 乃ち
Reading すなわち
Translation eng that is ; namely ; i.e. Translation ger nämlich ; heißt ; ist ; mit anderen Worten Translation fre c'est à dire

JMdict 100319
Word 其れなら
Reading それなら
Translation eng If that's the case ... ; If so ... ; That being the case ... Translation fre dans ce cas ; si c'est comme ça ; si c'est le cas

JMdict 100319
Word 通りすがり
Reading とおりすがり
Translation eng on the way ; passing ; that happen to pass by Translation ger Vorbeigehen ; Vorbeifahren

JMdict 100319
Word 同村
Reading どうそん
Translation eng same village ; that village Translation ger dasselbe Dorf

JMdict 100319
Word 同地
Reading どうち
Translation eng the same place ; that place Translation ger derselbe Ort ; gerade erwähnte Ort

JMdict 100319
Word 同町
Reading どうちょう
Translation eng the same town ; that town Translation ger dieselbe Stadt ; derselbe Ortsteil

JMdict 100319
Word 同年
Reading どうねん
Translation eng that year ; same year ; same age Translation ger ( schriftspr .) dasselbe Jahr ; im selben Jahr ; dasselbe Alter

JMdict 100319
Word 同夜
Reading どうや
Translation eng the same night ; that night Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; dieselbe Nacht ; derselbe Abend

JMdict 100319
Word 彼奴
Reading あいつ ; きゃつ ; かやつ
Translation eng he ; she ; that guy Translation ger er ; sie ; da ; da ; Kerl ; Dingsda ; ( Ableitung von "aytsu" ) Translation fre ce type ; celui-ci ; celui-là ; il ; lui

JMdict 100319
Word 嗚呼 ; 於乎 ; 於戯 ; 嗟乎 ; 嗟夫 ; ; ; ; 鳴呼
Reading ああ ; アー
Translation eng Ah! ; Oh! ; Alas! ; Yes ; Indeed ; That is correct ; Hey! ; Yo! ; Uh huh ; Yeah yeah ; Right ; Gotcha Translation rus А!

Records 1 - 50 of 337 retrieved in 949 ms