JMdict 100319
Word どちら様 ; 何方様
Reading どちらさま
Translation eng who are you? ; who

JMdict 100319
Word 何者
Reading なにもの
Translation eng who ; what kind of person Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; wer? Translation rus кто ; како́й челове́к

JMdict 100319
Word 何方 ; 孰方
Reading どちら ; どっち ; いずかた ; いずち ; どち ; いずし ; なにざま
Translation eng which way ; which direction ; where ; who ; which one ( esp . of two alternatives ) Translation ger wo ; in welcher Richtung ; wer ; welcher Translation fre lequel ; qui
Crossref 彼方 ; 此方 ; 其方 ; どちら様

JMdict 100319
Reading だれ ; たれ ; た
Translation eng who Translation ger wer ; welcher ; jemand ; irgendein ; jeder ; jedermann ; alle und jede Translation fre qui Translation rus кто

JMdict 100319
Word ; 孰れ ; 何れ
Reading いずれ
Translation eng where ; which ; who ; anyway ; anyhow ; at any rate ; sooner or later ; eventually ; at some future date or time Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; welcher ; irgendwie ; auf alle Fälle ; jedenfalls ; bald ; in kürze ; früher oder später Translation fre ; qui ; quoi ; un autre jour ; une autre fois

JMdict 100319
Reading どこのどいつ
Translation eng Who on earth?

JMdict 100319
Word だから何だ
Reading だからなんだ
Translation eng so what! ; who gives a damn?

JMdict 100319
Reading なる
Translation eng that is in ; who is called ; that is called ; that is
Crossref なり

CEDict 100318
Traditional 何人 Simplified 何人
Pinyin he2 ren2
English who

CEDict 100318
Traditional 哪個 Simplified 哪个
Pinyin na3 ge5
English which ; who

CEDict 100318
Traditional 哪知 Simplified 哪知
Pinyin na3 zhi1
English who would have imagined? ; unexpectedly

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu2
English who ; which ; what

CEDict 100318
Traditional 想不到 Simplified 想不到
Pinyin xiang3 bu5 dao4
English unexpected ; hard to imagine ; it had not occurred to me ; who could have thought that

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shei2
English who ; also pronounced shui2

CEDict 100318
Traditional 誰知 Simplified 谁知
Pinyin shui2 zhi1
English lit . who knows ; who would have thought ; unexpectedly ; unpredictably

CEDict 100318
Traditional 誰知道 Simplified 谁知道
Pinyin shei2 zhi1 dao4
English God knows ... ; Who would have imagined ...?

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shui2 ; shei2 Reading On スイ Reading Kun だれ ; たれ ; た Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning who ; someone ; somebody Meaning fr qui ; quelqu'un Meaning es quién ; alguien

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shu2 Reading On ジュク Reading Kun いずれ ; たれ Reading Korean sug Reading Korean
Meaning which ; how ; who

JMdict 200217
Word どちら様 ; 何方様
Reading どちらさま
Translation spa ¿Quién es usted? ; ¿Quién sois vos?
Translation eng who

JMdict 200217
Reading だれ ; だあれ ; たれ ; た
Translation dut wie Translation slv kdo Translation spa quién Translation swe vem
Translation eng who Translation ger wer ; welcher ; jemand ; irgendein ; jeder ; jedermann ; alle und jede Translation fre qui Translation rus кто ; чей {~の} ; ( см .) だれ

JMdict 200217
Word 何れ ; 孰れ
Reading いずれ ; いづれ
Translation dut welke ; in elk geval ; hoe het ook zij ; vroeg of laat ; een dezer dagen ; te zijner tijd ; mettertijd ; later ; een andere keer Translation hun amely ; amelyet ; amelyik ; amelyiket ; ami ; amit ; mely ; melyet ; melyik ; melyiket ; akárhogyan ; így is úgy is ; különben is ; mindenesetre ; mindenképpen ; valahogy ; valahogyan Translation spa dónde ; cuál ; quién ; de cualquier forma ; de todos modos ; en cualquier caso ; tarde o temprano ; finalmente ; con el tiempo
Translation eng where ; which ; who ; anyway ; anyhow ; at any rate ; sooner or later ; eventually ; one of these days ; at some future date or time ; both ; either ; any ; all ; whichever Translation ger welcher ; jede ; alle ; irgendwie ; auf alle Fälle ; jedenfalls ; bald ; in Kürze ; früher oder später Translation fre ; lequel ; qui ; de toute façon ; en tout cas ; quoi qu'il en soit ; tôt ou tard ; finalement ; un jour ou l'autre ; un autre jour ; une autre fois ; un de ces jours ; à une date ou une heure ultérieure ; les deux ; l'un ou l'autre ; quelconque ; tous ; n'importe quel Translation rus 1) какой , который ( из нескольких ) ; какой-нибудь нескольких ) {~か} ; всякий , любой ; всё ; все {~も} ; 2) когда-нибудь ; 3): いずれにしても , いずれにせよ во всяком любом ) случае , так или иначе ; рано или поздно

JMdict 200217
Reading どこのどいつ
Translation eng Who on earth?

JMdict 200217
Word だから何だ
Reading だからなんだ
Translation eng so what! ; who gives a damn?

JMdict 200217
Reading なる
Translation eng I see ; that is in ; who is called ; that is called ; that is
Crossref なるほど ; 也・なり・2

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shui2 ; shei2 Reading On スイ Reading Kun だれ ; たれ ; た Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning who ; someone ; somebody Meaning fr qui ; quelqu'un Meaning es quién ; alguien

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shu2 Reading On ジュク Reading Kun いずれ ; たれ Reading Korean sug Reading Korean
Meaning which ; how ; who

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu2
English who ; which ; what

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 孰料 Simplified 孰料
Pinyin shu2 liao4
English who would have thought? ; who could have imagined? ; unexpectedly

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 算老幾 Simplified 算老几
Pinyin suan4 lao3 ji3
English ( coll .) (I, you etc ) have what status ; who am I ( you etc )

JMdict 200217
Word 知るものか
Reading しるものか
Translation eng who cares? ; see if I care ; who knows? ; how should I know?

JMdict 200217
Word どこの誰
Reading どこのだれ
Translation eng who the heck ; just who

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鬼才信 Simplified 鬼才信
Pinyin gui3 cai2 xin4
English who would believe it! ; what rubbish!

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 阿誰 Simplified 阿谁
Pinyin a1 shui2
English who

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 豈料 Simplified 岂料
Pinyin qi3 liao4
English who would have thought that ; who would have expected that

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 誰知道 Simplified 谁知道
Pinyin shei2 zhi1 dao4
English God knows ... ; Who would have imagined ...?

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 誰知 Simplified 谁知
Pinyin shei2 zhi1
English lit . who knows ; who would have thought ; unexpectedly ; unpredictably

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 誰料 Simplified 谁料
Pinyin shei2 liao4
English who would have thought that ; who would have expected that

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 誰怕誰 Simplified 谁怕谁
Pinyin shei2 pa4 shei2
English bring it on! ; who's afraid? ; who cares?

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shei2
English who ; also pr . [ shui2 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 算哪根蔥 Simplified 算哪根葱
Pinyin suan4 na3 gen1 cong1
English who do ( you ) think ( you ) are? ; who does ( he , she etc ) think ( he , she ) is?

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 愛誰誰 Simplified 爱谁谁
Pinyin ai4 shei2 shei2
English ( coll .) whatever ; who cares

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