Unicode 5.2
Character Definition father's younger brother
Pinyin SHU1 Jyutping suk1 On SHUKU Kun OJI Hangul Korean SWUK Viet thúc
IRG Japan 0-3D47

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horn ; angle , corner ; point
Pinyin JIAO3 JUE2 GU3 LU4 Jyutping gok3 luk6 On KAKU ROKU KOKU Kun TSUNO KADO SUMI Hangul Korean KAK LOK KOK Tang *gak Viet góc
Variant U+752A
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-3D47

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢀱
Viet to
IRG Vietnam 0-3D47

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