Unicode 5.2
Character Definition four Value 4
Pinyin SI4 Jyutping sei3 si3 On SHI Kun YOTSU YOTABI Hangul Korean SA Tang *sì Viet tứ
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-4B44

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition enjoy , be contented , joyful
Pinyin KAI3 Jyutping hoi2 On KAI GAI Kun TANOSHIMU Hangul Korean KAY Tang kə̌i
Simplified U+607A
IRG South Korea 0-4B44

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to swell ; swollen , bloated , inflated
Pinyin PENG2 PENG4 Jyutping paang4 On BOU HOU Kun FUKURAMU FUKURERU Hangul Korean PHAYNG Viet bành
IRG Japan 0-4B44

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