Unicode 5.2
Character Definition north ; northern ; northward
Pinyin BEI3 BEI4 Jyutping baak1 bak1 On HOKU HAI Kun KITA NIGERU Hangul Korean PWUK PEY Tang *bək
Variant U+F963
IRG Japan 0-4B4C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cover , hide , protect
Pinyin GAI4 GE3 HE2 Jyutping goi3 koi3 On GAI KAI KOU Kun KASA FUTA OOU Hangul Korean KAY HAP
Traditional U+84CB
IRG South Korea 0-4B4C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition laud , acclaim ; hymn ; ode
Pinyin SONG4 RONG2 Jyutping zung6
Traditional U+980C
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-4B4C

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