Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to strangle ; to inquire into
Pinyin LIAO2 JIU1 LIU2 Jyutping gau1 lau4 On KYUU RYUU KU Kun KUKURU
IRG Japan 0-5977

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition report to , petition
Pinyin BING3 BIN3 LIN3 Jyutping ban2 On RIN HIN Kun KOMEGURA Hangul Korean PHWUM Viet bẩm
Traditional U+7A1F
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5977

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition species of parrot
Pinyin WU3 Jyutping mou5 On BU MU Hangul Korean MWU Tang miǒ Viet
Simplified U+9E49
IRG South Korea 0-5977

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