Unicode 5.2
Character Definition suddenly , sudden , quick
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping but6 On BOTSU HOTSU Kun NIWAKANI OKORU Hangul Korean PAL Tang bhət Viet bột
Variant U+8274
IRG South Korea 0-5A7A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition and ; attain
Pinyin JI4 On KI Kun OYOBU Hangul Korean KI
IRG Japan 0-5A7A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a district in Sichuan
Pinyin FANG1 FANG3 FANG4 Jyutping fong1 On HOU Kun HAKARU Korean PANG
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5A7A

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