Unicode 5.2
Character Definition overflow , brim over ; full
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jat6 On ITSU Kun AFURERU MICHIRU Hangul Korean IL Tang qit
IRG South Korea 0-6C6E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expel , disperse , exorcise
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KYO KO Kun HARAU Hangul Korean KE Tang kiu
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6C6E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kneel
Pinyin GUI4 Jyutping gwai6 On KI Kun HIZAMAZU Hangul Korean KWEY Tang ghyuɛ̌ Viet quỳ
IRG Japan 0-6C6E

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