Unicode 5.2
Character Definition letter , character , word
Pinyin ZI4 Jyutping zi6 On JI Kun AZA UMU MASU Hangul Korean CA Tang *dzhiə̀ dzhiə̀ Viet tự
IRG South Korea 0-6D2E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition splendid , grand , majestic
Pinyin MAO4 Jyutping mau6 On BOU Kun TSUTOMERU Hangul Korean MWU
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6D2E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition webbed feet of waterfowl
Pinyin PU2 PU3 Jyutping buk6 On BOKU HOKU Kun MIZUKAKI Korean POK
IRG Japan 0-6D2E

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