Unicode 5.2
Character Definition red lacquer bow
Pinyin DUN1 On TON CHOU Kun EYUMI Hangul Korean TON CO
KangXi 0359.150 KangXi position 0359.150

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition red lacquer bow
Pinyin diāo On TON CHOU Kun EYUMI Hangul : 1N Korean TON CO
KangXi 0359.150 KangXi position 0359.150

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tire of wheel ; band
Pinyin GANG1 GONG1 Jyutping gong1 On KOU KU Kun KARIMO Hangul Korean KONG Viet cong

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tire of wheel ; band
Pinyin gāng Jyutping gong1 On KOU KU Kun KARIMO Hangul : 1N Korean KONG Viet cong

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