Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side of mouth
Pinyin ER4 Jyutping ji6 mai1 mai4 On JI NI Kun KUCHIMOTO KUCHI Korean I
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0405.230
IRG Dae Jaweon 0405.230

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vexed , worried , nervous ; regret
Pinyin AO4 Jyutping ou3 On OU Kun NAYAMU Hangul Korean O Tang qɑ̀u Viet ảo
KangXi 0405.230 KangXi position 0405.230

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition side of mouth
Pinyin èr Jyutping ji6 mai1 mai4 On JI NI Kun KUCHIMOTO KUCHI Korean I
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0405.230
IRG Dae Jaweon 0405.230

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vexed , worried , nervous ; regret
Pinyin ào Jyutping ou3 On OU Kun NAYAMU Hangul : 0N Korean O Tang qɑ̀u Viet ảo
KangXi 0405.230 KangXi position 0405.230

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