Unicode 5.2
Character Definition light of stars ; shine
Pinyin ZHE2 ZHE1 XI1 ZHI4 Jyutping sik1 zai3 On SETSU SEI Kun AKIRAKA Hangul Korean CEL CEY
Variant U+6670
KangXi 0496.030 KangXi position 0496.030

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition light of stars ; shine
Pinyin zhé Jyutping sik1 zai3 On SETSU SEI Kun AKIRAKA Hangul : 1N :N Korean CEL CEY
Variant U+6670
KangXi 0496.030 KangXi position 0496.030

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a semicircular jade ornament used as a pendant
Pinyin HUANG2 Jyutping wong4 On KOU OU Hangul Korean HWANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a semicircular jade ornament used as a pendant
Pinyin huáng Jyutping wong4 On KOU OU Hangul : 0N Korean HWANG

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