Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raw , coarse , old , waste cotton or silk , wooly ; fluffy
Pinyin LING2 Jyutping ling4
KangXi 0941.160

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition variant of U+69B4 , pomegranate
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4 On RYOU RU Kun ZAKURO Hangul Korean LYU Viet lựu
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0941.160
IRG Dae Jaweon 0941.160

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raw , coarse , old , waste cotton or silk , wooly ; fluffy
Pinyin líng Jyutping ling4
KangXi 0941.160

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition variant of U+69B4 , pomegranate
Pinyin liú Jyutping lau4 On RYOU RU Kun ZAKURO Hangul : 1N Korean LYU Viet lựu
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0941.160
IRG Dae Jaweon 0941.160

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sleeves ; cuff
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KYO KO Kun SODE Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sleeves ; cuff
Pinyin Jyutping keoi1 On KYO KO Kun SODE Hangul : 1N Korean KE

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