Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bent and twisted ; too complicated
Pinyin AO2 YOU2 Jyutping ngou4 On GOU GYOU Kun KIKANAI Hangul Korean O
CNS 11643-1986 1-7477 CNS 11643-1992 1-7477 IRG Taiwan 1-7477

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition insects , worms ; KangXi radical 142
Pinyin CHONG2 HUI3 Jyutping cung4 wai2 On CHUU KI Kun MUSHI Hangul Korean HWEY CHWUNG Viet trùng
Traditional U+87F2
IRG South Korea 1-7477

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bent and twisted ; too complicated
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 On GOU GYOU Kun KIKANAI Hangul : 1N Korean O
CNS 11643-1986 1-7477 CNS 11643-1992 1-7477

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